Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This looks promising. If nothing else, a red lava/ yellow liquid Grande is on its way!

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Center one looks like the 50th anniversary one without the embossing

Hopefully the flow is the same and packaging improved

Took me 3 returns until i got one not dented out of the box.\

It was worth it because it flows like a 1980s lamp

Out of all the grandes I own, I think the 50th is the only regular off-the-shelf one LOL

A cool glitter would be nice!

Hopefully quality control improves on the hand painted globes

The grandes I experienced had very uneven coloring

I took steel wool and acetone to my last one and removed it.

It might as well been all red

Wasn't 50th anniversary grande purple/yellow?
Pretty sure this one is going to be a painted globe like the 52 oz one Spencers has.

All I can say is that if the glitter grande comes out, I am definately buying one, I have a $55 credit with spencers :)

Where are these coming out and where did the info come from.

From facebook:

Grande #CustomCool #lavalamps will be here soon!! Create your own grande - our BIGGEST size w/ 3 base/cap & 4 globe choices! #comingsoon

Let;s hope the glitter lamp does not suffer from clumping.

Also the grande in the middle, if the flow is similar or better to the new 52oz's, that would be worth considering as well.

Bamamatt: That lamps at spencers, I bought the 52oz version and converted it to glitter, it's the nicest lamp I have made to date. There are videos on this forum of the lamp here.

Video #1 - http://oozinggoo.ning.com/video/custom-glitter-lamp-52oz-bottle

Video #2 - http://oozinggoo.ning.com/video/32oz-and-52oz-home-made-glitter-lam...

Your conversion looks nice, but how did it look before you converted it? I picked up a teal and white 52 oz recently with a date of April 2017 but it just makes balls that hang out at the top until one finally dislodges a few.

^^ The lamp actually was quite good as a lava lamp and look almost exactly like the photo but at that time I was getting into glitter and didn't mind converting it since that lamp is available locally at several spencer stores near me. Was not a big loss to convert it. The bottle is definately colored on the outside but the coloring/painting on these globes are crystal clear. Much much better than the rainbow painted globes. The paint/color is crystal clear with no noticeable cloudiness, that is what I made it into glitter as it looks like the fluid is actually colored.

That's interesting as all the 52oz lamps I have bought that are new, after 5-7 days of use, start to flow similar to a USA made lamp, not exactly like one but similar. I think they take time to really break in for some reason.

I'm hoping my new grande flows better. Came with shattered bulb so won't know until new one comes. Cap reads 16121601 D1 which I think means December 2016. I'm concerned about the stuff on top of the wax though.

^^ I am not sure how new grandes flow as all the ones I found locally were from the early 2000's, like 2003 and 2004.

With regards to the STUFF that is on top of the wax, the photo is nearly impossible to interpret. Can you take some better shots and reup.


Maybe this photo is better. I agitated the globe enough to determine that the objects are actually embedded in the wax. I think it is small white flakes and white powder. I bought a red blue 52oz that had that. The powder actually coated the bottom of the blobs at the top of the lamp. Looked like soot, except white. The flakes just floated throughout. Took it back to the store the next day, so I don't know if it eventually melts into the wax or not. What was really weird is that after turning lamp off, as the main mass of wax was settling flat, a small eraser sized white blob rose up from the center of the wax, until it breached the surface, spreading a little coating of powder a little bigger than a quarter.

Hmmm, I really don't know what to say. I don't think I have seen that in my other newer lamps or the older lamps. Let's see if anyone else chimes in about this odd white powder or wax particles.

You're just going to have to run it to find out.  If it does spew powder then return it, no sense trying to fix a new lamp.  Also if the flakes don't melt in with the rest of the wax after several runs (I would say at least 5 - 7) again, no sense keeping it.  Let Lava Lamp deal with their mess.

Hopefully it goes away after being run a few times because the liquid is as clear as you can possibly get and still be colored.
Won't have a bulb for it till probably next Wednesday or Thursday. Waiting for the lamp to get here was like waiting for Christmas as a kid and now more waiting.

Jumping in as I'd like to have one of these. Most people seemed to like the Heritage Grandes, but both of mine had issues. Both had black bits in the wax and my pink one is pulling the rubber plug in from the inside (how that's happening, I'm not sure). 

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