Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This looks promising. If nothing else, a red lava/ yellow liquid Grande is on its way!

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I hope so! Oddly, it's one of my least favorite color combos, but it has nostalgia factor for me.

Am the only one who wants a glitter grande lol. I am very tempted to order one but am so concerned about the glitter clumping issue and would hate to get one, have the glitter clump and then keep needing replacements. I have to spend wisely so I am on the fence.

I am not thrilled that they made that bottle with a painted globe, they should have kept the bottle clear and offered one or two fluid colors instead with sliver glitter.

I've always liked lava better than glitter. It's just more unique and entertaining. Also easier to mess up! I only have one glitter from Lava Lite that clumped up, but to be fair, I don't have many and that one was a store model, so it probably ran a LOT and it got fried. I don't run it much at home. 

I, too, wish the Grande bottles would have come in more non-painted globes. Those painted globes just won't stand the test of time. That stuff will scratch off. 

from Both,..and I have had no sticking at all

Erin said:

Shipped from Spencers or Lava Lite? And do any of yours have the sticking around the base?

Claude J said:

I get mine shipped to me

I never seem to have an issue

ONE TIME, it was obvious the lamp was opened and used, due to the way it was packaged

I called and they shipped another free

I have less problems with glitter clumping than for another manufacturer of glitter

Color painted globes are stunning when they are done right

I've got a few 17" that blew me away

And a Grande that I attacked with steel Wool  and a quart of Acetone  and pulled the crappy paint job off of it

Its hit or miss I guess

kero48 said:

Am the only one who wants a glitter grande lol. I am very tempted to order one but am so concerned about the glitter clumping issue and would hate to get one, have the glitter clump and then keep needing replacements. I have to spend wisely so I am on the fence.

I am not thrilled that they made that bottle with a painted globe, they should have kept the bottle clear and offered one or two fluid colors instead with sliver glitter.

I caved and ordered a glitter (thanks for the code) as the 17" one I have is spectacular.  Only problem with the painted glitter globes is there is no reflections on the wall, one of my favorite parts.  However, I couldn't resist the allure of a large glitter.  We'll see....


I like the gold base too! Good choice! But that yellow/red with the black base really reminded of the 90's Midnights!! I couldn't resist!! LOL 

Erin said:

You're welcome! The color choice I got was a throwback to my very first lava lamp I ever owned (yellow/red Century with gold base). 

Well, supposedly mine's on the front door!!! I'll get to fire it up tonight!

That was quick. Did you pay extra for faster shipping?

Erin said:

Well, supposedly mine's on the front door!!! I'll get to fire it up tonight!

Nope. It came ground via Fedex. I got free shipping.

Yeah LL ships fast! Every time I got a lamp from them it was here in like two days!

Okay enough with the chatter, I want video and I want it now lol.

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