Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I saw this on YouTube from one of my favorite channels and just had to share it. https://youtu.be/NQNB9w9RPVM

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Very nice, different!

I want to try and make one of these, I have plenty of craft stores around to see if they have the scatter or whatever he called it. I have pickling salt which stays crystal clear!

I seen this over the weekend and bought a packet of the crystals to try out for myself when I have a bit of spare time.

^^ I put up video on my first try which works but I made a better one which I will take video of this weekend is multi size multi color I got in one big package at michaels.

can not wait. bro

David if you search the forums you will see that I have made a lamp like this and I also gave up on it as no matter how much I tweaked the salt solution without a dimmer the lamp to Simply overheats too quickly

OK, thanks for the info.

kero48 said:

David if you search the forums you will see that I have made a lamp like this and I also gave up on it as no matter how much I tweaked the salt solution without a dimmer the lamp to Simply overheats too quickly

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