Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Looking to purchase a goo kit, to make a lava lamp at home if it's not too complicated for a beginner.  Any ideas where to find one, what a good price might be for one, and/or whether or not it's worth pursuing as a project?

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And there worth it I had fun doing it

The thing you ABSOLUTELY NEED, though, is a base which holds a bulb of the proper wattage and a globe/bottle with a screw-on cap that sits evenly on said base and won't tip over.

Ive done bottle cap lamps as well
If u need, I can provide u with a globe base and cap for just the cost of shipping. I have a lot of emptys

What Metallica Man posted is the only place, I believe, that sells goo kits. I love goo kits. I'm actually on my third kit. I buy shot/dead lamps from Ebay, thrift stores or garage sales and re-goo 'em. 

Metallica man said:

Umm...you don't happen to have any empty grandes or centuries...do you?

Metallica man said:

If u need, I can provide u with a globe base and cap for just the cost of shipping. I have a lot of emptys

I may have a empty grande for you Loren, PM me

Loren said:

Umm...you don't happen to have any empty grandes or centuries...do you?

Metallica man said:

If u need, I can provide u with a globe base and cap for just the cost of shipping. I have a lot of emptys

 I would love to get both from you.  Just to clarify, the base is what holds the bulb, correct?  Let me know what the cost of shipping would be, and I can send you payment.  You can e-mail me a berube@netzero.net.  Thank you for the info, the offer, and the website!  We are looking forward to trying this, and hoping not to screw it up!
Metallica man said:

If u need, I can provide u with a globe base and cap for just the cost of shipping. I have a lot of emptys
I'll email u!!

do you have a grande base as well?  if so, i am interested.

Dr. WHAT?! said:

I may have a empty grande for you Loren, PM me

Loren said:

Umm...you don't happen to have any empty grandes or centuries...do you?

Metallica man said:

If u need, I can provide u with a globe base and cap for just the cost of shipping. I have a lot of emptys

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