Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Green LavaLite lamp, wax doesn't stick to coil or move at all.

I bought a green LavaLite today, and it has issues. First of all, the wax doesn't stick to the coil like it should
It doesn't move either, and there is some wax at the top that won't come down. What's the issue here? I'd like to get this lamp working because I want to give it to my mom. Any suggestions?

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My 20 oz. LavaLite and my friend's new Grande (Both bought in the last couple months) both did this. There's no fix. If you get a mini Goo Kit from MT, it's still enough to kit several smaller lamps and saves you a little money.

That's what I plan to do. I've already removed the old wax and liquid and cleaned the globe and coil. I plan to make the wax yellow and the liquid blue.
The goo kit has been bought, I got the mini goo kit. I plan to kit it in two weeks.

Can't wait to see the finished product Ben!!!  Is this your 1st kit??  The 1st is always exciting!!!!

Yep, it's my first

I still remember and luv my 1st goo kit!!!  My 52 oz Violet on a midnight base!!!

The goo kit *finally* arrived. Plan to kit it this weekend.
I just opened the kit up, all is well except the transparent plastic straw that goes on the funnel has a crack running down it. I don't think it will affect anything though.
Finished the gookit, it's time for testing!
The goo kit is sorta working! The flow is kinda slow though. I've added a little more surfactant but that didn't seem to help.

Well, as long as it's flowing, you can always experiment with dimmers, hotter/cooler bulbs, etc. As long as you did your due diligence cleaning out the globe and used the right kind of water and all that, it should work fine once you get the heat right. I wouldn't bother adding any more surfactant than you already have. It may just need some time to break in. My goo kitted lamps all take about 2 hours to really get going.

Ben said:

The goo kit is sorta working! The flow is kinda slow though. I've added a little more surfactant but that didn't seem to help.
A bit of an update: been cycling it on and off for the past two days, It took awhile to heat up yesterday, but the heat - up time is getting shorter with every run. See the picture; looking good!

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