Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi everyone, I know its been a while. I am selling many of my lamps, including some of the rarer ones. I am getting divorced and need the money. I will be listing on ebay, but thought to announce on here first to sell direct. I am selling my electrik series, psychedelic series; some vintage: two planters; carlisle; two mediterraneans (one painted gold) a lime green astrobaby(original 220 wiring). black squiggle (liquid needs restoration). vintage aristocrat; midnight aristocrat screwcap (purple yellow); silver streaks with some interesting rare color combos; dont have the finals yet, but wanted to give a heads up. (Definites: will not be selling my midnight series, or midnight screwcap centuries) also have a green fluidium (i ran with too hot a bulb, flows good except on little glob of fried goo..needs to be extracted. w/ original packing.).Stay posted, working on pics, and finally definites.

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Sorry about the divorce. I've been there. I might be interested in one of your Mediterraneans. When will you put them on ebay, and what are you asking for it?
Ok, I just saw that you priced a mediterranean, and I want it. I have pay pal. It's almost 11p.m. but I will be happy to pay tomorrow morning, just send me instructions. Is this the med. that has not been painted? Also, you didn't mention the carlisle. If you are still selling it how much is it?
I am not selling the carslisle. And this is the original (not painted) mediterannean.
The Green Metallic mathmos is sold
The original mediterranean is spoken for.
Do you have any clear/white 32z globes or a yellow/lime #29 32z?
i do have a yellow lime as part of a silver streak. Still deciding which silver streaks are going. I have 5 different colors. Message me. The only clear white I have is actually a faded blue white that I have in a princess base.
The elektrik series is available again.
would be interested in a mediterranean or black squiggle...can't figure out if these are stil available! i'm so sorry that your circumstances are what they are. hope you are not going TOO crazy!
Sorry I just got your reply if you still have the yellow lime I would be interested if you want to part with it. Thanks,
Sorry to get your reply so late! But if you still have the yellow lime I would be interested if you want to part with it.
Hi! I am sorry about the divorce I hope it goes smoothly I know all too well about them and have gone thru 2 myself. I wish you the best!

I wanted to ask do you still have your red Psychedelic lava lamp? If I give you down payment of $20 through paypal or a payment method of your choice would you be willing to keep the lamp until I can pay it off in full? It would only be a couple of weeks. I am trying to complete my collection and have been searching for the red one I am hoping we can work out some kind of deal.

Thank you much!

I look forward to your response.

Do you have any globes for sale that will fit a LW 32 oz Silver Streak base? I have one that was a bit neglected, and wouldn't mind replacing it.

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