Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I Can Take No More - Colossus Goo Kit Project (Sorta')

I've tried different coils, removing the small coil, putting in new custom coils, slowly warming the wax for weeks - still my Purple/Pink has not responded.  

It is just too sensitive to temperature changes in its environment - meaning it only runs well in a very narrow temperature range.  I'm convinced its the bloody wax.

So, I've drained the liquid, and I'm in the process of melting the wax on the base.  My plan is to goo kit it with clear liquid and that pretty neon blue everyone likes so much.  This should be fun!


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Oh yeah!!  I hereby nominate you for the OG Hall of Fame!

Uh, wait, I don't think we have a Hall of Fame.  MARK, ERIN, ANY OTHER MODS, what think you of a Hall of Fame? 

Kirk said:


About 4 hours after removing 3 gallons of LL liquid and replacing with 3 gallons of distilled water to reduce the density...

SUC FREAKIN' SUCCESS!!!!  It's a little early, but I have NEVER seen my pink/purple Colossus flow like this!  It's so fluid, reminds me of -- dare I say it -- no, I won't jinx it!

OK, I'm leap frogging now, but hell, I've been through hell.  It's looking really good, guys!

I'm going to sleep good tonight!

LOl there should be one and it has been beautifully running i see

You are too kind, Keith.

Thank you!
Thanks, Bill!

I wasn't so sure, but I'm glad it worked!

YEah it worked great

Keith, I "Second" your nomination of Kirk into the OG Hall of Fame!!!    Best entertainment I've had in a while, watching him fix that "volcano."  

Just the fact of trying such a large project should get an honorable mention!

I agree 100%, Keith!   That was an "Historical Event."  
Keith said:

Just the fact of trying such a large project should get an honorable mention!

IT was very awesome and i have no idea if anybody else will try it

Man...that lamp runs on sheer willpower!

I opened mine and removed the extra coil, I can get about 10 hours of flow now. Before I got 1-2 hours at most

LOl now we are starting to have colossus projects everywhere aren't we

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