Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have only ever seen this one, I call it The Crestworth Astro Mk4.5 - What oddities do you have that dont follow the norm of what you know to be right.

A true oddity and a puzzle all in one lamp, it is the only one that I have ever seen like this and I have seen many Crestworth Astro's in my years of collecting, it seems to be a transitional piece that fits between the Mk4 and the Mk5 Astro as it incorporates parts and styling from both lamps, as you can see from the first picture it is taller than the Astro Mk4 and is just a fraction taller than the Mk5, it is a one piece base design similar to the Mk5, unlike the two piece base of the Mk4 but uses the double ring design of the Mk4 base, it has the Mk5 base plate yet has an earlier Mk4 design switch and cable.

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Sorry to bump an old post but because of this post I can confirm that I have a Mk4.5!
Wow that's cool maybe a hangover day or a Monday or Friday build lol a factory defect per say ?

Looks like it Anthony, i saw one on ebay recently and was tempted 

currently one of the strange astro base on ebay, been 2 this week 


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