Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I need help identifiying this perpetual motion desktoy from the 80's

I had one when I was kid, and I recently saw it in the movie Poltergeist on top of the TV in the parents bedroom. But for the life of me, I can't find any actual pictures of it nor do I know the product's name. All I have is a super quick illustration that I came up with that may help identify this thing. There's 2 plastic rails in which this 'pinwheel" thingy spins back and forth using perpetual motion. Anyone?

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OMG YES!!!!!! thats it!

Thanks to THE BLOB!!!

Thank you again Blob for your help! I just won one, unused, in a box on ebay! I'll post pics when I get it ;)

I got it today!  I'm pretty sure it was unused. It had all the manuals and inserts god It had the original battery in it! and the stickers still on the rails! lol weird seeing a the old energizer battery too, brought back some memories. Luckily the battery only corroded a tiny bit so I took a small screw and scrapped off the acid, went to target, and bought a new 9 volt. Its rocking hardcore now.  I have no clue how old this is but I think it maybe 1979 -1980. The box had base color options, white and silver. I know they made a black base too but this must have been a little later down the road.  the one I ended up with is white.

very cool toy ;)

Yeah it really is! it'll keep spinning for over a month on a 9 volt according to the manual.

Lucky! I love these. I think white and silver are actually older and rarer; I saw loads of these new in the 80s and 90s (anywhere that had Lava Lites tended to have the battery-powered swinging mobiles and these, and science museum gift shops did, too) and all I ever saw was black. Seen a few used ones, too, the one I used to have was bought used, and it was also black. Yours also has prettier plastic rails than mine did.

I was watching this other auction that ended yesterday that had the black base. It ended up going for like $42.00. Its actaully the same one the blob posted on page 1 of this thread.

I have one of these!  I'll have to see if I can find it. 

I remember wanting a wave machine and ended up with this since it was cheaper. ;)


Wow, this thread was an EPISODE. LOL!

Score, dude!

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