Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I trashed one of my EXCALIBURS last night that I only fired up a couple of times and of all my EXCALIBURS not only was it one of the newest it was also one of my favorites from a set of two I acquired NEW sometime back.  Both lamps are the same color etc. so I'm glad I have an extra back up lamp.  Now I have a lonely base and topper.  Actually I have two since my niece trashed a pink glitter EXCALIBUR I'd given her for her apartment several years ago.  I've read that the bottles for the LUNARS fit the EXCALIBURS.  Anyone have a clue as to what size replacement globes or bottles I can use to create new lamps that will fit the EXCALIBUR lava lamps and if so where to buy?  By the way if anyone wants the wax and coil from the Excalibur send me an address and I'll gladly send your way.  I hate throwing away good used parts.  No charge.  I'll drop it off at USPS the next time I have to return a package in a week or so.  I usually go every two weeks.  I saved it since it was not at all damaged when the lamp hit floor and shattered. And - YES - I'm still whining about it because it was so preventable had I not been so careless when moving it.  All it took was a second and it was gone for good making other EXCALIBURS around the globe even more valuable and rare now that there are two less globes in the world.  As each globe gets destroyed the ones remaining become more valuable.  SPENCERS only sold so many at each location when they were first introduced so there are not as many as some regular lava lamps.  This from a manager who sold me the two I'd purchased several years ago.  I think I'm down to three glitters now and three with Lava. Ok - time to wipe my eyes and move on.  

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