Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

is anyone else stock piling up one bulbs while theres plenty about? ive noticed on ebay some of the bulbs going up in price specialy like the lunar reflector type which id normaly use in my princess but found the last ones i bought only lasted a few weeks so gone for a 100w standard below as thats a brand ive used in the past :-)

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Hey Johnny, do you have a link for the wilko bulb please?

hi mark, sorry for the delay, ive checked wilko's site and not listing them, i will check the store tomorrow see if they are still avalible, all i can remember is the box contained 2 clear bulbs and something like 30/32 = 40watt

Thanks Johnny, I did check the website, but as you say they aren't listed. Looks like we have a couple of wilkos nearbye though so will have a look too.

went to my wilko and now stopped the halogen bulbs in all styles, its all led bulbs now, thats a pain but reckon supermarkets will have some, will check tomoz

Sounds like you were right to sound alarm bells

checked morrisons only small bayonet halogen golf ball were higher than 40watt so thats down the pan

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