Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Incredible discovery I need to share with all collectors you may find helpful.

I custom made a 27'' grande using original orange liquid and black lava several years ago using 7 or 8... I cannot remember - 52oz globes I purchased on sale one year. The completed masterpiece always operated beautifully until I unboxed it for Halloween as I do every year as I did this last October.  However, for some unknown reason this year the lamp ignited but after heating up and looking as it should the wax would stop flowing and just stalled at the bottom. I noticed the plug was halfway into the globe and the wax had separated from the coil once the wax heated up.  I undid the cap silicone tape and all which sucked because I did such a good job resealing it when first constructed.  I replaced the plug and resealed the lamp. It looked like it was going to flow as it should since it crested like it always does when the wax starts to warm up. To my disapointment it stalled again and the wax just sat like a black blob on the bottom.  After starting and stopping the lamp all month long - no changes. I decided tonight to go downstairs and find a coil from another 27'' grande I drained to convert to glitter.  Turns out I had five. I rushed upstairs and opened the top of the lamp since the wax was already heated up from being turned on much earlier.  I dropped the coil in not removing the one which was already in the lamp. BAM!  The lamp began to flow like mad and it runs even better than before.  I'm left wondering if other lamps that have stalled like mine either needs a new coil or another inserted as I have done. I want to let others know to try this out if you too have a lamp that just blobs/stalls.  I will take photos or a video of the lamp tomorrow and post for your enjoyment.  I'm one hell of a happy camper once again as this color combo has been my go-to Halloween lamp for some time and it's the only 27'' using all original Lava Lite fluid and wax of it's kind in existence.  Stay tuned for the video tomorrow.  

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