Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Just ordered a bench capper to cap bottles - Grifo Heavy Duty

So, with success I have been recapping lava lamp and cylinder bottles with a hose clamp. It works well but it's not the safest thing to do as the screw driver can slip and really hurt your hand. I then starting using an 8mm closed end wrench on the bolt on the hose clamp an it worked even better but broke a 90's 32oz bottle buy over tightening as you get a lot of leverage with the wrench compared to the screw drive.

The hose clamp also did not always seal the cap ROUND. I would have to put the hose clamp in different positions to ensure the cap was sealed 360.

So I ordered the bench capper below. There were a few options in the price range including the super agata and others but for some reason the grifo seemed to be the better option (just a hunch lol).

I was gonna order the colt strong that has the welded base but it seemed overkill for my needs (time will tell)

I should have it sometime next week and will report back with how it works, etc.

I got a bag of bottle caps (144) locally from a home brew shop for $4.50 so I am anxious to try them with the bench capper.


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you will love it

Difference between night and day

You bought the right one

they have gone a lot in price since I bought mine

Cant see doing this hobby without one

Claude, thanks, I was first leaning towards the super agata but I read that grifo makes good stuff. I am so happy to be moving away from the hose clamp method, it's really hit or miss and honestly if one slips just a little, your hand that holds the bottle can get quite injured.

agata, griffo, they all seem to be the same to me

Yes, slight differences in design, that's about it. The bell that actually seals the cap to the bottle, I think the grifo has the better design.

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