Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Large Mathmos Lunar/IO bottles same formulation as small bottles?

I just got a couple of IOFirst100 black big lava lamps and wondered as per title if anyone knows if the lava and water is the same as small lamps?

I’ve also got a few regular Jets and Astro Baby and was thinking of glittering the big bottle and refilling the baby bottles from the big big ‘whisky’ IO bottle. 
Thanks Lava Lads and Ladies

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I'm not sure if the IO bottles contain different liquid, but I would imagine the wax mixture would be different. I based that theory on the fact that bottle is huge but it is using a light source that puts out 100w worth of heat? Astro uses a 40w bulb and is small in comparison to a IO/Lunar bottle. Someone who's knowledgeable will soon come along and answer correctly for you. 

Check out Coolsox's Rocket XXL.


Its several times larger than a Lunar and he filled it with 14 Astro bottles. Judging by the flow he's getting with the astro wax its probably all the same formula with maybe minor adjustments  to the amount of surf to get the flow how you want.

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