Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hey everyone! My name is Quinn and I am new to the forum. I have had the same lamp for around 10 years, (my first ever lamp!) and now all of my lava is at the top. Even if I heat the wax seems to have separated. I have a “bottle cap” top and am not sure how I can resolve my issue without busting my most prized lamp. If anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it!! I tried to attach a picture but it is too large

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If you click on that google docs link it will pull up a picture of the lamp

Welcome to OG!!! Yikes... You've tried cycling, correct? I might try wrapping it in a towel to heat it a bit more, but it looks like it might be cooked, sadly. The good news is that your lamp is a fairly common (judging blue/white from the picture) Chinese 20oz lamp that you can find fairly easily for cheap... I think Walmart carries them currently. Though I'd go as far as to recommend offerup, letgo and facebook marketplace to track down a US made lamp. You'd be surprised how many decent lamps you can find locally for a few dollars. Blue/white, even pre-china was always a fairly common color. You think you like that lamp? Get your hands on a 32oz US Midnight or Silver Streak blue/white!

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