Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Enquiring if any Lunar owners in the UK can recommend a company that they've used to restore crease damaged nose cones, and if so, how good a repair job did they manage to do ?

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Huh, is that a common problem?  The old crease-damaged cone.  Hopefully someone will have gone down that road.  Got any pics?


I reckon so Mark........The cone is thin spun Aluminium and very susceptible to damage. I'm sure i'm not the first to bag a cheap Lunar which needs a bit of TLC, but this is my first aquisition with serious war damage....lol



ouch that had to hurt, sorry pete but i to am looking for a restorer, i have toyed with the idea of filling the dents on one of mine then getting it anodised along with the base but not the legs, could be a money earner if you could get a aluminum turner to knock out a few of these and then sell em on ebay

I have a wacky idea Chris......

Make a concrete mold of the inside of a good cone, then place the damaged cone over the mold, heat up the damaged area with a hair drier and gently tap the shape back with a rubber mallet.....it just might work....lol !

better still why not make a wooden cone, i here you northern folk are partial to a bit of whittling lol

....watch this space everybody 'cause I appear to have stumbled on a simple but bloody brilliant way of 'ironing' out the creases.

I've managed to smooth out 95% of the damage that you can see in my cone and after a trip to my local metal polishers over the next few days, i'm confident it's going to look completely undamaged and like new.

No hammer and no filling in the dents......prepare to be amazed people....lol !

i wait with baited breath,
well, I reckon if you get 20 lunar owners interested, you could sell them for £50 each which would recover the mould costs.....;)

Richard said:

I'm in the process of having some brand new Lunar cones spun and they should be ready in a few weeks all being well.

Certainly not a cheap process, the mould alone that had to be made was in excess of £1k.

I may be tempted to sell one if the price is rite ;)

what about making a mould of a mint one and then using fibreglass to make new ones
I was investigating this about a year ago. Found a manufacturer for carbon fibre motorcycle parts and a mould for one part cost about 175 euros and making a carbon part from it would be 80 euros.
I know a pretty good farrier if its any help.!
Pete I have the same problem and wondered how you've fixed it... Any help would be appreciated!

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