Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Just tried re-doing an old lamp with magma wax and their 'yellow' dye. Two issues:

1. The yellow is like -flourescent-. It really looks like one of those hi-liter markers. So when it gets flowing there's almost a green tinge... too much dye? Too little?

Anyone else noticed this? If so, what's the solution? Add a little red?

2. Also, more generally, Magma colours tend to be really -transparent-. The original Lavalites were more 'opaque'... usually it's not an issue but with the yellow there's just not enough contrast between the yellow and the clear water. Is there a way to make the colour more 'opaque'? (ie. more like the original Lavalite yellow?)



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If you think of it, please let me know. This aquarium/teeter-totter idea is something I've wanted to do for a loooong time. You'd have to see the movie (Diva). It's a pretty amazing effect. It's like a lava lamp tsunami. (Or maybe that was the drugs... it was a long time ago.)

Carol said:

Gotta say Magma is not without it's issues!!!  There is a member of OG who actually does his own "huge" lamps and sells them.  I cannot for the life of me think of this members name right now, but he pops on from time to time and makes the most beautiful lamps.  He uses nothing but MT Goo and has great success with it.  Might be a good idea to speak with him if you are considering going that "large" scale with your kitting......I'll poke around and see what I can come up with....

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