Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi can anyone please tell me if they have either the Green,Blue or Red bulbs for the Astro 3 in 1 or if any one knows any other suitable 40W small eddison screw golfball bulbs,.... phew that was a mouthful lol :-) looking to purchase through ebay if anyone can help... Cheers

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Hi, I have lots of red ones if anyone wants any. Just PM me :-)
Hi, checkout http://www.ryness.co.uk/productslist.aspx?CategoryID=583 they have 40w coloured ses E14 golf bulbs in the same colours i ordered all the colours and have a clear/white bottle which you can order from mathmos.
Thanks for the heads up on this - I can't find coloured globes this size anywhere in Australia. I notice they have a pretty good price on a 10 pack... I wonder if they ship os - I'm waiting to hear back now... Do you know if the paint they use on these is up to handling the heat?
These are glass blown bulbs not paint ones. I have put one next to a mathmos bulb and there is no difference. They do take a while to order so stock up while you can. They do have shops in london which I will pick some up soon.

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