Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This lamp was incorrectly labelled as a Glitterbaby but the bottle that came with the lamp has red water & white wax. It's in excellent working condition with absolutely no flaws or damage & comes complete with it's original packaging & paperwork. It's not really what I was after & are offering to sell or trade for a different type of Mathmos lamp in similar condition. Ideally I'd like a Telstar but almost anything will be considered & the only other lamp on the wish list is the five leg Carramar Volcano Lamp. Will sell at cost if wanted by someone without anything to trade. I'm in New Zealand, will send the lamp almost anywhere & it will be very well packaged. This is being advertised elsewhere so first in first served applies.

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An odd mistake by Mathmos, that's left you with a pretty unique colour combo  

Nice lamp even if it was a mistake, damn I need a mathmos eventually :)

Have an odd Astro too was supposed to be violet water with orange wax on the box. When it's cold or next to the light the wax is clearly orange but once it rises it's red which I don't mind but it took me ages to decide on that particular colour combination & as I'm in NZ it's not worth sending it back. The white wax lamp has less wax in it than the other Astrobaby here which has the wax flowing differently. It shoots a liquid shaft to the top & as it stretches out to the top it breaks into blobs. The colour of the water when cold is clearly pink but changes to a much brighter red once warmed up. Are going to try it with a dimmer to see if it'll flow similar to the other Mathmos lamps. But it looks pretty cool without a dimmer & it was a relief that the water went red again.

Looks like white wax in pink master fluid -  a colour combination that was available from Mathmos in the 90's .  Why do you say it's mis-labelled?  The photos show a the standard 90's style Astrobaby box, Glitterbaby lamps had a different box.

The label on the box says Glitterbaby & the water is definitely red once warmed up properly.

lampfancy said:

Looks like white wax in pink master fluid -  a colour combination that was available from Mathmos in the 90's .  Why do you say it's mis-labelled?  The photos show a the standard 90's style Astrobaby box, Glitterbaby lamps had a different box.

Interesting. A very lovely lamp. I would love this combo.
I’ve picked up another spare bottle new with blue wax & water. This bottle is quite different as the wax doesn’t glow brightly like my other Mathmos lamps. The light just reflects off the bottom of the wax & I really enjoy using it in a low lit or a dark room. Have been using the lamp with this bottle instead but if someone wants the lamp with or without the extra bottle. Are waiting for a dimmer for the five leg Carramar Volcano lava lamp so I can have reggae colours with an Astro & Astrobaby in the bedroom.

The white wax of the original bottle really lights up the room while the spare bottle doesn’t make much difference.
Have picked up a new Telstar without a bottle so I can use the spare bottle with it. So it’s no longer available & will be putting this lamp back into use if not sold or traded by the end of the year. Probably won’t ever buy another new Mathmos lava lamp again so it’ll be good if it stays in the collection.

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