Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I'm a big Mathmos collector and I'm considering by a Rokit for my collection.

The blue-turquoise combination looks cool. I'm just wondering if it's very dark and you can barely see the lava? I have a Neo in violet/turquoise and I find it quite dark tbh.

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in my experience, yeah it's always been pretty dark

I have (had?) a blue/blue Lunar and you could barely see it without some kind of light background

Great movement though - the Mathmos blue is always their most regal flow - enjoy!

Teal/Turquoise they use to do alot lighter blue/blue is dark always been like that I don't think it's avaliable anymore as they did discontinued all the blue/blue colours not long back there only like 3 colours in rokit or lunar now

Mathmos have told me blue/turquoise will be back in stock on 5th August.

jonny p said:

Teal/Turquoise they use to do alot lighter blue/blue is dark always been like that I don't think it's avaliable anymore as they did discontinued all the blue/blue colours not long back there only like 3 colours in rokit or lunar now

I've got the blue/blue iO and it's really good - not too dark at all - as has also been said the flow is amazing, since they're so much bigger diameter you get much more interesting and complex flow patterns - a pure joy to watch. the attached pic is with the iO on the right, a refilled original AstroBaby in the middle and a refilled Lantern on the left.


Thanks for this! I actually went ahead and ordered a complete Rokit with the blue/turquoise bottle yesterday. They are still listed as out of stock on the website, but Mathmos customer service told me they did have a small number in stock and they allowed me to order one by email.

Rototype said:

I've got the blue/blue iO and it's really good - not too dark at all - as has also been said the flow is amazing, since they're so much bigger diameter you get much more interesting and complex flow patterns - a pure joy to watch. the attached pic is with the iO on the right, a refilled original AstroBaby in the middle and a refilled Lantern on the left.

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