Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate



5 years ago, I got a lavalamp from my mother. When the bulb (30 watt) was broken, I didn't repair it. This week (after 3 years not being used), I bought a new one, also 30 watt. But the lava didn't rise. Today, I bought a new bulb of 40 watt, but the glass touches the bulb. Can this be a problem?


(Sorry about my english, I'm dutch)


Yours, Anton

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I just bought this week one of 30w. But the lava didn't rise. So i thought the lava needs to get more warmth.

Bohdan said:
Yes it will become a problem. If the bulb is hot enought it may crack the glass over time. Also it will make the lava lamp run very hot. Your lamp needs a 30w bulb. You need to get a bulb the same size in 40w and use a dimmer to control the heat.The older 30w bulbs are very hard to find now.

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