Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Removing tri-colored spray paint on the inside of my Grande

So I'm looking to do something different with my Grande, unfortunately I have the internally sprayed tri colored paint version on the inside of the globe. I would like to simply have a clean clear globe for my next project. Any ideas of what I can use to safely remove the paint from the inside? Solvents etc?

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Would you consider a trade?  I have the same globe, but I think the outside is sprayed.  Might be easier to remove.  Mine some of the lava sticks to the side of the globe and I've wanted to refurb it.  But if yours flows and are just looking for a project lamp mine would be perfect.  Please let me know.  Thanks! 

Use Orange Stripper and fine steel wool and/or blue scotch bright (NOT green)
Takes a few applications

If your outside and well ventelated you can use acetone

The paint is on the outside as far as i know

Yes, paint is on the outside.

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