Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I have inherited this amazing rocket lava lamp but its very cloudy, I have gone through the usual steps of changing the liquid but it still clouds up or the lava doesn't flow ( its an original so the lava would be past its sell by date), is there any way I can change the wax or does anyone know where I can take it in the UK to repair it?


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hey you need a speical filer to repair this it might be cheaper to just replace bottle if wax isnt flowing as cloudy then looks like wax might had its day great lamp the mathmos lunar and rare now nice polish be good as new.

Thanks, yes am sure the wax has had its day I contacted Mathmos and they have discontinued it so cannot help, has anyone tried emptying the wax buying new lamps and filling it back up, it takes 5 litres of liquid.

Steven Smith said:

Thanks, yes am sure the wax has had its day I contacted Mathmos and they have discontinued it so cannot help, has anyone tried emptying the wax buying new lamps and filling it back up, it takes 5 litres of liquid.

That's a Lunar, nice lamp!

Needs a bit of a clean but so do most of them - it's 25 years old

Mathmos still do new bottles, @£100, for the Lunar and its new version, the IO

Keep the old bottle, you can always refill it with glitter from Marcel on this site - Goolamps I think it's called

mathmos do the bottles they come up at £70 if added to basket and will fit the lunar be on as io lunar bottle in spares thanks.

Steven Smith said:

Steven Smith said:

Thanks, yes am sure the wax has had its day I contacted Mathmos and they have discontinued it so cannot help, has anyone tried emptying the wax buying new lamps and filling it back up, it takes 5 litres of liquid.

Yes I have just found the spare bottles and ordered one for £70, there is a discount on them at the moment so HAPPY DAYS.
Just put of curiosity how much do the Luna lamps sell for these days does anyone know?

The new Lunar/IO bottles are tuned to run on 100w, whereas yours - an old style bottle - was probably tuned to run on a 75w bulb, so there may well still be a 75w bulb in there

Better to buy a 100w reflector bulb, IMHO, rather than a halogen version (gentler)

You can find them on eBay, if Mathmos don't have them...Crompton are good

Value? depends on condition/market... up to £1k  - but I'd give it some TLC and hang on to it - they aren't making them any more

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