Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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My Mama would switch my legs with a three pronged dogwood branch, if I had a lamp that said PIMP on it........LOL

Dr. WHAT?! said:


And a hard to find PIMP lamp, I know there are some pimps out there that need this ;)

lol! no more blips sorry

Sure, just not for sale----yet....lol  :-(((

I have one blip that I'm keeping sorry :( I showed you where to buy them for the same price I sold mine for.

LOL, Doc, yep you sure did, but I don't know your contacts at that place.  You wouldn't have "cloudy" lamps, and I ain't askin them to open boxes.  They don't know me.  No worries, I'll hit on one someplace--- eventually.....  :-)

They are fine just buy one.

10-4, I will when I replenish the treasury. 

Selling a couple more lamps this week. Next week I'll be posting some of my midnights centurys.

What does the dragon's hurricane look like?

And nice i want to get midnight's eventually

That's cool looking

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