Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I was looking into installing a dimmer in the base of my 52oz clear/purple lamp that seems to need more than 40 watts but less than 60. I was looking at Home Depot online for the right dimmer and found this litte jewel instead!


I put a 60 watt bulb in my lamp and cranked it till it flowed then dialed it down to where it now appears to be quite happy! I hope this helps others and is not a duplicate thread but when I searched here I never saw this very simple dimmer!

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umm, not to be a spoilsport, but this is the style dimmer that most members have their lamps on since it is so easily available at any hardware or lighting shop.

Well at least now next time a newbie like me searches it hopefully this will be easily found! Lol

Here's a really good deal on dimmers...I bought 6 of these and they are great. 



I appreciate the post and the deal link because I need some of these. Thanks to all!
That is a great price on those dimmers!! Thanks for sharing!

Your welcome Rudy!

Most welcome!  Yeah, great price!

I got a couple in black instead of white.  Less noticable.  

Goodness Jus!  That's a super deal, thanks for sharing!   I need some dimmers.


Most welcome!

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