Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Sad to say my smart astro has just died, i thought i was gonna be one of the lucky ones whos hasnt developed a fault, recieved it in december number 392 the first problem after a month was the glue failed what held the heating plate in, originaly i was gonna return it, but with xmas etc i kept it as it was working ok.

Today switched on and during the heating up i looked and all was dark, i touched the transformer which felt warm as normal, unplugged checked the cabel in the base that fine but no heat or lights SOOOO its dead :-(

another one bites the dust!

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Send it back, they are only numbers at the end of the day. Our numbers were excellent but again, they are only numbers, wait until a good batch comes out.
Also you will get a numbered one back as there are only numbered ones atm...maybe you wont get your number back, but deffo some limited one...
i will send the base and transformer back and take it from there, if they cant repair it then get a refund and a personal appology from cressida Yeah right lol
I had to return all the lamps complete, I sent them back in their original boxes with instructions etc, then after packing them in their original boxes I put them in another large plain box.

Richard said:

I think you may need to return the bottle also to get a full refund ?

the woman said not to send bottle or cap then if it cant be fixed return em then, but i think it be easier if i send the whole thing save time and messing about

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