Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

 im not complaining here just wondering if anyone elses wax is very air bubberly and grainy, i read on early post the grainy wax with disapear, ive had mine on every night since i recieved it which must be good 10 days or more and the gainy stuff is still in the wax and so are lots of air bubbles, to be honest the the wax looks horrible unlike earlyer astro bottles where its like smooth n silky

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thanks richard i keep running it daily

Richard said:

The air bubbles will eventually work there way out although it may take time as the bottle don't seem to get as hot as normal ones that run off a bulb.
The grainy wax may just be down to the formula for these specific lamps and may always be like that.

My lamps are the same.



Hi. I have my new Astro Yellow/Red for 2 days and it's also very grainy like in the picture above, did it go away on your lamp?

So all I need to do is wait a few weeks and it will turn silky. Thanks man ;)

Bohdan said:
Yes it takes a few weeks of running the lamp. What I did was use a 30w bulb in a USA base and ran it for a few weeks for around 5 hours a day . The vase will flow fine dependent on room temp with a 25w or 30w bulb. A 40w is way to hot for this vase since the wax is softer. There are times when I just want to run this vase as is for its natural yellow color without unboxing the base.

Have the same problem, got a Smart Astro yellow-green 4 days ago, and am really not happy with the wax, also the flow gets very busy and spreads into lots of small bubbles, as if it gets too hot... I never use it more than the recommended 6 hrs. - I would like to know if your issues resolved themselves with long time use? Thanks.

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