Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So sad, lost my newish blue/yellow Premier to the dreaded teflon coil problem

My latest favorite lamp is my blue/yellow Premier.  I've had it at work for not quite two months running it daily on weekdays.  It flowed great, stayed absolutely clear and was a great conversation piece around the office.  Never a problem. Then one day a few days ago, it stopped flowing and lost coil/wax cohesion.  The wax would partially attach to the coil but wouldn't flow.  An occasional huge blob would float halfway up and then drop.  No fun at all.

It progressed to less and less coil cohesion.  I did the spinning/swirling to get the wax to attach and there are a few spots that just will not attach.  It seems almost entirely dead.  And it was like flipping a switch, one day it worked, the next day it didn't.  Nothing bad happened to the lamp.

Anyway, I have a spare coil that was working fine when last used.  Could my solution be just to clean this spare real well and place it in the lamp without removing the original bad one?

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Must have done something right, flowing great today.

good to hear!  If it keeps giving you problems, you could definitely add more metal.  I would not drop another coil of the same size in.  They would stack up, and you would be able to see them, and if the wax rejected that coil too, you gain no additional surface area.  The idea I like to use is to drop a smaller coil in as well.  This way, the entire bottom of the bottle has "coil coverage"  Even if the wax rejects both of the coils, the lamp still works well, because the wax has no where to "hide".  The heat transfer still happens.  Eventually every lamp I have done this with (3 total), has worked fine on the first run, and within 5 runs, the wax ends up accepting both coils.

That's pretty insightful Verax!

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