Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I was about ready to GooKit my glitter Grande from Mike, and then I realized I didn't have a spare coil. I've read through several threads on here about coils (including the most definitive one started by Kris) and I still am not certain what I need. 


Someone in that thread mentioned that the coil needs to be stainless steel. Makes sense. But, the coils purchased from Lowe's were zinc-plated, and someone said those would corrode over time.


If anyone has replaced a coil with something and it's worked, can you post it here? 


Does zinc-plated truly corrode in our lamps, and if so, how long does it take to corrode?


I'll update this post after I search the hardware stores here. I am also going to write Magma Tower and once and for all find out how you're supposed to use those mesh screens they now include with GooKits (what happened to the coils?!). 

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Can anyone who has used the GooKit screen post a picture on how they "bend and cut" the screen and fit it into the LL globes? 

Where would I go about buying one of these screens?


The screen comes with the GooKit...not sure if they are available separately.

I just can't figure out how you can get that screen into the bottle.

The screens aren't available separately. To date, I don't know that anyone has ever used the screen or posted instructions on how to use the screen. I've even written Magma Tower about it and THEY don't have a good answer.

Just finished my 3rd GooKit on an Absolut Vodka bottle.  The screen doesn't really look too good, but it works.

I *think* you're supposed to cut the screen in a round manner, compress it to get it through the hole of the bottle and then it will spring back out somewhat once it's in there.
Does anyone have any pictures of the screen laying flat on the bottom?

Erin said:
I *think* you're supposed to cut the screen in a round manner, compress it to get it through the hole of the bottle and then it will spring back out somewhat once it's in there.

Here was my "answer" from Magma Tower when I asked this:

"Hello! This is my 2nd GooKit I've ordered. Can you tell me how to use the mesh screen? No one on OozingGoo seems to know how it's supposed to be used. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)"


Their answer:

"bend them, cut into them to form the screen. Many people prefer the coil which you can buy at a hardware store."

Not helpful in the slightest! 

A former member here did post pics of shaping the screen into a short, mostly flat cone.  I don't remember how he got it to stay in that shape though.  His theory was that the wax would have more screen surface to adhere to and help the wax to flow from the center and not the sides.

Former member?  Bohdan? Astro?  I would like to know who did that...I want to get in touch with the guy and ask him.

Well, I was told that Mathmos used screen on the early Astro Flock models.  But they changed back to coil because screen was giving bad flow. 

I think it was Bohdan

dumchidumchi said:

Former member?  Bohdan? Astro?  I would like to know who did that...I want to get in touch with the guy and ask him.

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