Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Running out of new and impressive lava lamps to buy?

Why not design your own MONSTER lava lamp and we (Mathmos) will make it for you.

With this 2 meter tall lamp you can choose the:

Lava Colours: Red, Blue, Green, Black, White, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Purple.

Liquid Colours: Clear, Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink.

Base and Cap Metal Finishes: power coat any colour, galvanised, stainless steel ( a supplement will be charged)


This is a 100% bespoke lamp that takes 2 months to make for you.


The price is £2,570 + shipping and VAT. An installation service is also available depending on your location.

Please contact me if this would be of any interst to you  on harry@mathmos.com




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Ok that is silly money but if I had the cash then I wouldn't think twice about getting one
Bringing it more down to the average collector - this is the kinda tower lamp which is I will probley get at some point.





Seems like Magma or the Robotics company has prices that are a little closer to reasonable.  sure hope they bring the Colossus back.
Let me know and I might sell you mine.  Personally, this lamp scares me a bit.  The glass on the globe seems wafer thin.  The globe is way more interesting mounted on a Fireflow base.  lol

Tim Gill said:

Ok that is silly money but if I had the cash then I wouldn't think twice about getting one
Bringing it more down to the average collector - this is the kinda tower lamp which is I will probley get at some point.





For what the monster costs you can have a lavalamp of similar size made totally custom....not just the finish or the colour...tbh, I'm a bit disapointed...hope they got something up there (oh sorry, jerome...I meant their) sleeves for 2013! If not, I might go into production with a miniseries of a 50th anni Carbon fibre lunar and some other things I have had in mind for years....wouldnt cost more than what it goes for on ebay atm....so blow our minds, mathmos...or get ready to be blown yourself...
well, keep laughing grant. you wouldnt want any of it anyway as it is not genuine and even if...I'm sure you wont get one. The CF lunar is actually not so far fetched...just need to send my lunar to a german company and a month later its done....but why do I even tell that....keep laughing untill yer ass falls off.

Please stay on topic and refrain from poking lions!

If you want to sling mud, do it off the public forum.

Viva Sativa said:

well, keep laughing grant. you wouldnt want any of it anyway as it is not genuine and even if...I'm sure you wont get one. The CF lunar is actually not so far fetched...just need to send my lunar to a german company and a month later its done....but why do I even tell that....keep laughing untill yer ass falls off.
alrighty, misunderstood you, so my new answer would be: I so will go for it;)

My misunderstanding then.  My Apologies to all.  Sometimes it's hard to tell with only text and no other way of interpretation.

However I would like this to stay on topic as to "The NEW Mathmos Monster lava lamp".

It would be interesting to open a brand new Mathmos Dream/Wishlist topic like Jonas's other topic with Lava products.


LOL Great answer!!!  :)

Autumn said:

Hello, I would like to purchase your Mathmos Monster lamp. Unfortunately, I do not have the funds to purchase one at this time.

- Bill Gates, richest man in the USA

I'm surprised that someone on this forum hasn't come up with a product for about 500-1000 that would meet the needs of the "bigger is better" crowd.  Being a businessman I could see a limited production run of a few hundred and outsourcing the vessels and goo.  Who would be interested?

Well Magma tower http://www.magmatower.com does make / install custom lava towers like the mathmos monster so that's really the only competitor to the Mathmos monster.

Its not that easy to just make and outsourse a big lamp, yes its one thing making the base and globe. Getting the goo mix right and finding someone who would just do that easily is going to be very hard. Magma tower spent years working on the gookits and they arnt perfect and Edward Craven Walker (the man behind the Mathmos and Lava Lite USA formula) delegated his life to it so I don't think people will just want to give there mix away.

Jethro said:

I'm surprised that someone on this forum hasn't come up with a product for about 500-1000 that would meet the needs of the "bigger is better" crowd.  Being a businessman I could see a limited production run of a few hundred and outsourcing the vessels and goo.  Who would be interested?

I would love a Monster i am sorely tempted but cant quite justify it! I would have a white powder coat and clear blue, it would so work in my house!! How many bulbs do these babies run on does anyone know and do they dim etc??

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