Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Apparently Lava Lite has gone crazy with their shrink wrapped lamps. Although this one is pretty tempting to buy lol.


I saw others on amazon like south park, domo and cookie monster!!

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Late October, they'll begin. I cannot wait! I might, I repeat *might*, buy this lamp just because.

Yup they do! it premieres Oct. 27th


The great cornholio is back!!!

he eh he, this is gonna be kewll!

Dr. WHAT?! said:

Yup they do! it premieres Oct. 27th


The great cornholio is back!!!

see....told ya...huhu


btw, beavis and butthead are the only reson I speak english today....it all started with them about 13 years back and I wanted to know what they say...funny how a stupid cartoon can encourage people to learn a language:-)

Arne said:

see....told ya...huhu


Now THAT is a testimony the show should use! LOL

Arne said:
btw, beavis and butthead are the only reson I speak english today....it all started with them about 13 years back and I wanted to know what they say...funny how a stupid cartoon can encourage people to learn a language:-)

I certainly hope they didn't teach an inpressionable young man such words as: Dumbass, DickWad and Buttmunch to name but a few.
Arne said:
btw, beavis and butthead are the only reson I speak english today....it all started with them about 13 years back and I wanted to know what they say...funny how a stupid cartoon can encourage people to learn a language:-)

Arne said:

see....told ya...huhu


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