Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi every one -

I have been given a Glitter Lamp that was found in an attic that was being cleared, the person clearing believes it to have been her fathers from the 1960's one but I'm unsure.

It has a copper two piece base and shaped top, and the bottom is open like the early Crestworth's were.

There are no markings of any kind that I can find.

Any one know the make/model or age or where I could research to find out.

Its been rewired.

Thank you in advance.

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its a hunter Sata-lite, 1970s it would have had a black plasticy base plate, use a low watt bulb 25watt max and dont add liquids or water as its the same fluid used in crestworth fast moving living jewels

Hi Johnny

Thanks for that, appreciated. I searched the library pics one but could not find but there is some great info in there.

Nice old lamp!

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