Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

We currently have 64oz (appox.) of tested vintage Master Fluid in the following colors
1 Grande Green
1 Aqua (green/blue)
2-Electric Blue (matching)
1-Light Green
1 Orange
2 Orange (matching)
If there is a color you want that is not listed above, let me know via Messenger.
These have been Filtered and the Specific Gravity Weighed for each bottle's contents
Price $49.50 ea /2 for $85.00+shipping
If there is a color you want that is not listed above, let me know via Messenger.
Some in the photo below are from new globes with the new Safemix lava with a 1.001SG, Some are experimental mixes from a large batch, Some are vintage, some are concentrated.
We simply do not have the time to test every bottle shown below. (price will be reflected)
Most will work right out of the bottle or may need adjustments
The specific gravity is marked.

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I'm sorry, I'm not quite clear. Is this actual old liquid? From which manufacturer, which era? And is there lava to match?

The bottles in the top photo are from the Haggerty era

I may have some vintage lava left in yellow

I'm keeping the rest in my collection for now

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