Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

**Wanted** Zebra and Cheetah lava lamps from the Safari Series**

Got my Green Psychedelic swirl on ebay. Still looking for the Zebra and Cheetah from the Safari Series. The Cheetah on eBay the globe is very cloudy us I don't do the bidding wars. Thanks everyone.

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Well, like you said before, you can always put your highest bid on that cheetah lamp and leave it at that. Right now I think the cheetah is at $21 bucks w/$9 S/H. Cloudy or not, I don't think it's too high.

Lost out on the bidding war for the cheetah lava lamp, someone was willing to pay way more than I was. eBay is good but the bidding wars ruin it for me. :(
Cheetah lamp went for $51.00 + $10.00 to ship. That's bidding for you. I purchased the Snake and Tortoise lamps for $10.00 a piece in the original boxes and picked up local off Craiglist. I guess I've gotten a little spoiled on Craigslist, but at least they give a price and you don't have to watch eBay the last hour to see if someone is going to stick it to you in the last seconds and run the price up way more than it should be. Sorry guys just venting, hate to loose a lamp to someone that got more money to spend, I apologize.

Craigslist is nice if you are close enough or willing to drive to get to what you're looking for. There's never lava lamps near me and they are always hundreds of miles away!

I don't believe that globe is what originally comes with that base, is it? The globe is what made me not bid on it, plus there were others I wanted at the time.

You're right, the globe should have been clear with orange lava to be correct. My tortoise has the orange liquid with the white lava which is correct and the orange liquid is crystal clear, 10 bucks. Just went by our local Goodwill yesterday and lucked up on a Lava Brand wave motion machine with sound, like new. Gave 3 bucks for it. Couldn't get it to the register fast enough, lol. Seen these same ones go on eBay for well over $200.00. Was a good day.
What r u typing in to find these things? I never seem to see these unless u guys let me know and my wife says that's all I seem to do is search eBay! I even have alerts but never have these kinds of lamps show up.

I just type in Lava and look at them all till i see what I like

I type in Lava Lamps , use Sort by Time Newly Listed :)

This is almost what they retailed for. That's actually not such a bad price. 

I have these lamps in box, but can't see selling them for less then I paid. 

I think people forget what these lamps retailed for, then forget these are american made globes. 
Not every lamp is going to be $10.00. 

Vince said:

Cheetah lamp went for $51.00 + $10.00 to ship. That's bidding for you. I purchased the Snake and Tortoise lamps for $10.00 a piece in the original boxes and picked up local off Craiglist. I guess I've gotten a little spoiled on Craigslist, but at least they give a price and you don't have to watch eBay the last hour to see if someone is going to stick it to you in the last seconds and run the price up way more than it should be. Sorry guys just venting, hate to loose a lamp to someone that got more money to spend, I apologize.
Yeah I know, I always try and give a fair price. I guess I just get lucky sometimes and I'm spoiled. I just don't like the bidding wars. Oh yeah, are u selling yours?

Well, I have a Zebra base..but no globe or cap.  Got it from an antique store..can always use an extra base..  ;p

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