Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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The base certainly makes that wave machine look amazing!

However I don't think their going to sell many for $4,500 !



Pretty cool!


that is too phoecking cool!

I can see why the price tag is huge
The machining work alone covers most of it

It looks amazing

Hard to tell the actual size though

Always thought it would be awesome to make one coffee table size

The tube/vessel is quoted elsewhere as 30" which makes it the same size as a Giant Pacifica, I think.

Looks pretty neat engineering, but isn't that quite a large air-bubble? 

10-4 on the bubbles

needs to be addressed 

whoa holy shhh....this is amazing! did anybody on here find a working recipe for the fluids in there? I'm tempted to make a cheap copy of it :)

That bubble kills the flow.  Maybe if the tilt was slower it would be ok.

Just plain baby / mineral oil and water with food coloring works good it you have the right length and speed.... sure Hughes works better but he ain't gonna tell us lol.
worth a try, thanks! I guess the viscosity of the oil might be important, any idea om the viscosity of baby oil?

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