Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi, i'm trying to fix my lava lite (it was foggy when i got it and i didn't bother fixing it until last night) and in all the tutorials i'm watching/reading everyone's wax is at the bottom of the lamp, but mine goes right to the top and makes adding the epsom saltwater not work and just stay at the top above the wax. am i doing something wrong? the lights just off for the pic bc my camera sucks with lighting

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okay, so i re did it and now it's flowing slowly instead of just sitting at the top (there's still some at the top but only a little)

So the lava is now rising and falling?  Getting there slowly but surely.  How high is your water level at this time?  Were you able to fill to almost the top and get the lava moving up and down?  Let us know.  Thanks!

it's a little over half, and yeah it's going up and down for the most part

Mr MaGoo said:

So the lava is now rising and falling?  Getting there slowly but surely.  How high is your water level at this time?  Were you able to fill to almost the top and get the lava moving up and down?  Let us know.  Thanks!

Once it is cool, add distilled water to the globe.  Would go to 3/4's full and if anything that should cause the lava to drop down more, try it and see what happens.  Have you added any epsom salts to it yet?

i haven't added any, i have to make it again my roommate dumped my mix last night

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