Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Has anyone seen a lamp like this before? 


I haven't seen anything like it... Does anyone have info about it? Its not like any consort variety I have ever seen. The globe posts are especially funky.

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That is a home made conglomeration of three Consort globes. Kinda cool but not a factory made lamp.  

I have seen only one other of these lamps. I believe it to be a prototype lava lamp.  Everything is original Lava lamp and would have cost a ton to tear apart three lamps to create.  I saw one of these before but cannot remember how long backs since it's been about fifteen years or so maybe longer.  I remember the triangle base.  

Very, VERY odd. I'll trust The Lamp Caretaker, but otherwise I'd have said homemade. I've not seen red or green liquid before. Very, very odd, and if anyone thinks it IS Lava brand, I still think the price is crazy-- but then, I know of rare lamps of which many survive, which regularly sell for more than this.

I saw this a while back (??1 year+ or so??) on US eBay which may be where TLC saw it?

I'm with Critter on this one, home-made, for me

But I've been wrong before and will be again....

I think if it was factory Lava Lite would not have used those sad looking square wood pegs for the leg under each globe.  They would have most certainly used the regular gold metal leg they used on the Consort, Windsor, Clown, Preying lamps, etc.  

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