Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I know very little about how many shops stock Mathmos, and what approximate equivalent prices in US dollars are.

My cousin is traveling to London on business this coming week-end. Depending on price, I'm considering asking her to see if she can buy me a new Mathmos. I'd like either an Astrobaby or a Fireflow.

What are (approximate) equivalent US prices, and where in London can these be bought?

I also have a color question: is there any good photo on OG showing the real difference in appearance between violet/red and violet/orange? I'm leaning towards a violet/orange as it appears that the red lava imparts a more pink hue to the liquid, whereas the orange leaves it vividly purple which I love.

I may, instead, ask her to buy me two bottles; do any stores in London proper stock just the globes?

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I ask the same of Nottingham.  I will likely be unable to make it down to Poole as I would be sitting on the train far, far too long and I'm not traveling to England to sit on a train.  I would however love to be able to go into a brick a mortar store and feast my eyes on some lamps though.  I'm just not sure if Mathmos has brick a mortar retail partners though, similar to what Spencers is for Lava Lite.

Inquiring minds want to know...

Jonas, I'd opt for an Astrobaby over a Fireflow. I have both and the Astrobaby is far more impressive. 

I really hate to say this to you guys but as far as I know there is not many shops around London that sell Mathmos lava lamps or Mathmos lamps in particular.

Shops in London sell lava lamps that's for certain but they will probably be china lamps not Mathmos ones.

The reason of all of this is because Mathmos has closed there London shop. Also from talking to Mathmos retailers they seam to make it difficult for them to sell them as they want the retailers price to be mathmos's RRP only not cheaper, and a bulk quanity needs to be ordered. - Therefor its not easy for retailers to invest with this as Mathmos wants customers to come direct to them. In most retailers views a lava lamp is just that and there are much cheaper options then paying top dollar and going through Mathmos.

If you want to see Mathmos items in a 'shop' then the best thing to do is to take a detour to Pool / Holton heath and go to Mathmos where you can check out there showroom and probably buy some items.

The other option could be to go to Electric Planet - I know that they have moved so the address on the websight isn't up to date so ask them about this.

Tim is right, it seems nowhere in London stocks Mathmos Lava. I know Fenwicks in Leeds stock them, but a friend of mine went to their main London store last month and asked the sales assistant in the lighting department for a Smart Astro but she went boss eyed and did'nt have a clue what he was talking about !

The last time I saw Mathmos in a store was in 'John Lewis' two years ago, but they only stock Lava World now !

Sorry guys.

Thing is, shipping from the UK is astronomical - hence why I'm hoping a traveler could bring one back. I'll take the advice on the Astrobaby, Erin.

Does anyone have non-factory photos showing recent, unfaded violet/red and same with violet/orange?

I have a Mathmos Astro Violet/Red, and I can tell you that the red is very vivid and not pink at all.  I tried taking a picture of it with my cell phone camera, and what do you know - it looks pink through the camera!  I wouldn't gauge how the lamp looks through pictures, unless taken with a high-quality camera.

Thanks. Not going to ask her to try to find one.

Now I just hope eventually I'll find one in the States. Not getting a whole lamp, I'd actually rather find a violet/orange replacement globe I could use to refill a French lamp I have.

Violet/Red with light on and off hope this helps

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Thing is, shipping from the UK is astronomical - hence why I'm hoping a traveler could bring one back. I'll take the advice on the Astrobaby, Erin.

Does anyone have non-factory photos showing recent, unfaded violet/red and same with violet/orange?

Beautiful! --drools over Lunar--

Is violet/orange significantly brighter, and does the liquid still look violet?

In my opinion the orange/violet is much nicer than the red, if I had the option I would go for orange :-)

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Beautiful! --drools over Lunar--

Is violet/orange significantly brighter, and does the liquid still look violet?

Sorry but for some reason I can't the the photo the right way up lol but you get the idea I hope.

This is Violet/Orange

Will take that advice! Now, if I could just find a collector in the US with an extra Jet or Mini violet/orange globe available...

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