Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So, I purchased a black Sunburst for $50 that has some issues and spent the day taking the lamp apart, lubricating moving parts and adding rubber washes to reduce the noise of an out of balance fan.  This lamp made a squealing sound that seem to be coming from one of the motors (couldn't tell witch one.  I applied some grease with toothpicks and the problem was solved.

I clean the fibers with a method Kris taught me (Thanks Kris).  I first soaked them in windex and blotted them dry with paper towels until the windex didn't change green any more.  I used a hair dryer carefully and then coated them with foot powder and they look great!  I use a hair brush to slow separate the fibers,only lost 4.

I use sharpie colored markers to fill in parts of the color wheel (that appears to be plastic) that had ben scratched.

Very impressive results and it smells nice too.


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Not sure how I missed this. Sounds like your spray turned out very nice! You should add some pics to your album and let us see.

So cleaning the spray is this simple?  Soak in Windex, blot dry, dry with a hair dryer and a little foot powder at the end?  I assume you would lay the spray on its side in a trough of Windex?  How long do you let it soak for?

Follow up answers and pics would be great. Lets see them!



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