

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Fiber Optics
Where I Live:
Richmond, VA
My First Lava Lamp was:
Fantasia Sunburst

Comment Wall:

  • Modulo '70

    Hi and welcome to Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

    There are lots of friendly members here who love talking about their lamps, collecting and problems/solutions. I'm glad you are getting assistance with your enquiiry about Mathmos products.

    Best wishes
  • Mark Goo

  • Bumpkin

    Have you gotten any new lava lamps? I have been getting a lot from eBay. How are you doing?

  • Kris

    No. My stupid self was watching youtube videos when I was suppose to be bidding on an auction. It was a teal lamp. Darn thing went for 17 bux. I hate myself for missing that.
  • Woodvetch

    Hey Man,
    Yes, still live in VA. Grew up in Richmond. All family and many friends still there.
  • Woodvetch

    Hey Man,
    I have all the lamps and bottles I need, well over 60 ahahahahahaha. I have 5 crap grandes I've dumped an will be filling 3 with lava louie goo and 2 with goo I'm making myself. Have figured out how to make clear lava and it's soooo cool.
    Will post pics when I'm done with all the chemistry!
  • MattMJB0188

    I sent you a friend request, maybe because we weren't friends thats why you couldn't send me a private message?
  • neo

    Hello Kris, your german is also good. *smile*
    Hallo Kris, Dein Deutsch ist auch gut. *grins*
  • neo

    My wife and i have our honeymoon in the USA in 2000 ... starting in Miami ... go to Tampar (where the old one lives *smile*) ... Key West it was great really ... Tamiami canal to Orlando ..... beautiful natur will never forget ... visit an hooter's bar/cafe hehheee ..... visit seaworld best ever seen .... magic kingdom disney ok .... virgine store amazing ... inland flight to NY .... spend 5 Days .... so many people so many nations .... so helpful people .... best to do sitting in a cafe watching people ****great**** love my honeymoon nerver forget cool land
  • Jennifer

    No, It's a transplant. It's actually lava world wax and a painted Hot Rock base. I'm actually looking for some Hot Rocks-I've heard they are really clear and run well now. Would you happen to know where to find them besides Walmart?
  • Jennifer

    Wow! That's cheap! The walmart I usually go to only has the blue liquid with neon yellow wax. I'm not too crazy about those colors. I'm going today to another walmart to see what I can find! Bohdan's are gorgeous-they are so clear!
  • Jennifer

    Well, my husband pried it off carefully, not sure what he used, luckily it pops right back on, but if we ever move I'm going to have to find a better way, it would leak. I'd probably glue it back on.
    How do you bleach the wax? Just put bleach in it? I could live with that too. On ebay they had red wax and purple liquid. It looked pretty good. It ended up selling for $5. Add shipping though and it turns out to be more then I want to spend on one!
    Do you make your own coils? I'm having terrible luck with coils. A lot of my LWs have just broke. I haven't had any luck finding the right metal consistancy for the coil and plus I'm not sure how you connect them into a circle. Any advice?
  • Jennifer

    I was going to be really suprised if you said you could use bleach in the wax! That's crazy that the sun can lighten the wax that fast. Great idea!
    On the springs-how do you join the ends? that's my problem. I can't seem to attach them.
  • Jennifer

    Thanks for the advice-I'll try it! Keep me posted about the Hot Rocks-I hope you find some!
  • Quisp

    Thanks for the spring info. I'm considering replacing the springs on a couple "China" 52 oz's to help obtain a "USA"
    I'll have to measure the bottom of the globe as best I can in order to form a spring that fits snuggly against the bottom/side edge.
    This lava lamp fixin' stuff is
  • Quisp

    Cool beans! Sounds like a good tip..:) Thanks
  • zilch0

    thanks !
  • scott

    i got it and a 52 oz.rainbow at cool stuff cheap for around 20 bucks each.they had a special if you spent 75 bucks you got free shipping
  • Goldbling

    Ohhh hey well it turns out it runs perfectly and my replacment for my clear/black just arrived

    Actually no, I have the entire first series that someone got me as a gift, but have yet to find the time to watch it.
    Alot of people seem to think that my webstore has items from the show, but it is mostly goth/alternative/new age items. It seems to be a niche that needs to be filled. I believe that the Goth subculture is just beginning to hit it's upswing here in the states and I want to be in business when it does!
    Thanks for your interest!
  • Modulo '70

    Oh hi again Kris

    just popped by to say that it looks like the chat is broken again.
  • João Roberto Gabbardo

    Hello Kris! Thanks for the hail!!!
  • Lynda Woodhouse

    Hey Kris, have had a look through your photos - they are fantastic. Have to say though that my fav has to be the Omni - what a fabulous design.
  • Oli

    Hey Kris new kid on the block- love pics, look like the mathmos jupiter 2?
  • ☆VixenGypsy☆

    Just thought I'd say... I love Super Troopers! Are you a Broken Lizard fan, or just like the monkey?
  • Pascal

    Hi Kris.
    I use normal liquid glue for this work. The glue is water soluble. No superglue.
  • ☆VixenGypsy☆

    Total Bro fist pound! LOL!
  • Mike Stubbs

    Wow! As for 'swampy,' do you mean generally, or specifically? Generally, yes, and I love it. Specifically, no- we just got our first blast of cold and I hate it (to me, 70 degrees is chilly).

    Where did you live in Charleston? What brought you here?

    (Oh, and I may need some help on a smaller Cuda, later...)
  • Mike Stubbs

    The moss, yes- our gorgeous T. usneoides. They've grown back to their usual glory, but it took some time... 20 years ago Hugo blew it all out, and boy, that made Charleston look weird.

    I don't know much about Beaufort- I'm a Charleston boy all my life. I wonder which base you stayed at here. Isn't Laurel Bay USMC? We've got the AFB, and we had the Navy Yard (my father worked there, nuke containment)...

    As for the Cuda, we've already got it. It's a Galaxy Model 101- the spray is on the good side of decent, but there's a bit of clumping and I'm terrified. I think at one point you did a batch of cleaning... no pressure, but if you get philanthropic again, let me know!
  • Mike Stubbs

    Sorry for the delay-

    But yes, that's exactly what I mean when I say 'clumped.' It's not so bad, really- it's only visible when the lamp is off. There are maybe three clumps or so, and those are of not more than five fibers each. So it's nothing crucial or pressing, but it's nice to know that there's someone who can fix it and fix it right.

    Yep, I got it off ebay. How it happened was funny. We're crazy about 70s Italian horror, and we're watching one where the international fashion model is getting killed in her snazzy Rome apartment by a maniac wearing a studded glove, and JML stops the DVD and starts hollering- 'Do you SEE that? Do you REMEMBER those? What ARE those?' and I calmly answer, 'It's a Fantasia lamp...' so of course I had to get one. The Cuda was a nice fit, I think- actual Fantasias seem to go for more than I'm willing to drop right now, and, honestly, I think I prefer the activity of the Cuda's wheel. I was helped by the fact that the ebay listing was kinda uniformed, and I think I got it at a good price.
  • Mike Stubbs

    'La Morte Accarezza a Mezzanotte'-

    Death Walks at Midnight.

    Actually, the lamp is in her living room while she sees a murder occuring. But the lamp is quite prominent and easily seen. I think this one may be on Netflix?
  • Mike Stubbs


  • Mike Stubbs

    That was the first one I could find on the web, quickly... here's a much better shot:

    Who made this one?
  • Mike Stubbs

    And and and AND, it's even featured on the title card:

  • Reszound

    Hi Chris, yeah I figured postage would be something like that - amazing what they're charging these days isn't it :-\ Anyway, I'm definitely down for your clear/orange but I won't be able to organise $ until this Friday as I'm flying home from interstate tomorrow and then going on holidays down the coast straight away (lucky me :) my email address is:

    If you can send me the final figure and your paypal details during the week I'll get it happening on Friday and away we go :)

    Thanks for being willing to send it out to me,
    Chat soon,
  • joust

    Hi Kris Its me joust thanks for taking the time out to talk about the fantasia lamps.
    What would you recommend that I spend on one of these?
    There are a few on ebay right now I was considering but want your opinion first being that this is your cup of tea.
    If you know of any for sale I would consider buying them from you as well.
    thank you
  • ☆VixenGypsy☆

    Windows 7 didn't kill my motherboard... the wrong backup discs were used! DOH! At least I have a 3 year warrenty on the new comp! LOL... How's life?
  • Jethro

    Hey Kris,
    yes it is...not many Jethros around and I'm the only one from Boulder. Just joined this site....does it have a fiber fans?

  • joust

    Hello Kris Do you know when Fantasia stopped making lamps?
    My black sunburst 4000 has a date of 1997.
    Can you please advise?
    Thank you
  • joust

    hello Kris I am curious about the sprays do you know when they are comming in?i have been itching to put one on this big black bare bald sunburst.
    thank you
  • joust

    Thank you for the update Kris I am looking foward to getting it too.
  • Jonas Clark-Elliott

    Kris, tell me more about the new Fantasia info? Drop me an email? I'm all ears and very eager to know more!
  • Autumn

    Red Ribbon
  • Chow

    Red Ribbon