
63, Male

Lillington, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I'm a hopeless tinkerer. Seems I can't buy anything without taking it apart to see what makes it tick. Fortunately, I never did that with my lamps. Unfortunately, one of my two matching Enchantress lamps was recently shaken. That led me here to see what could be done. Haven't found a fix yet, but I've made quite a few new friends. All is not lost after all!

I started out life as a mad scientist. I discovered flying model rockets in the late 60's as an 8 year old. I was always interested in space flight. I clearly remember watching the Gemini flights on TV. How many of you can say you saw the first moon landing live? How could you avoid it during that period. It dominated the TV due to the space race. Those days appear to be gone forever now that NASA has been delegated to weather watching with this phony global warming scam. It's nothing but a way to tax us into oblivion with carbon credits. Any questions...go to Check out Alex Jones and see what our illustrious government is really up to. I promise you won't see it on the 6 o'clock news.

Back to the story. I graduated to experimenting with high power rocketry in my adult years. I still love it but have neither the space nor the money to enjoy it as much as I would like.

I played guitar in a top 40 band for a while and actually attended Berklee College of Music in Boston for a semester. I didn't graduate but it was fun and I wonder if it was my calling anyway.

The college I graduated from is East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. I have a BS degree in Industrial Technology and received it in 1987; the same year I bought my first lava lamp.

Unfortunately, I was recently subjected to a layoff. My most recent employment was with ITT, Systems Division at Ft. Bragg, NC. I worked with Force Modernization, outfitting troops mobilizing to theater. Previous to that I worked in an arms room as both the shipping administrator (guess you could call me a government sponsored gun runner LOL!) and an engineer tech, repairing a large variety of small arms. I recently sat in on a class and received a teaching/operation certification for the Javelin missile system. A very KOOOOL weapon indeed!

I drive a 2009 Mustang GT in Vista blue with a glass roof. It's a wonderful car, but also a money pit! Gotta love a V-8. I've seen some of you posting about your autos here and I'm glad to be in the ranks of the gearheads. We're a quarky bunch with a real need for speed. Need I say more?

Thanks for stopping by to take a look at my profile. I hope to hear from you all in the future. I am sure we have so much knowledge to share. This is a wonderful site and I thank those of you who extended a welcome hand when I first signed up on the Goo.

Peace. Love. and may God save the Republic before it's too late. Remember.. The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Where I Live:
Eastover, NC in a little house built about 80 years ago. Drafty, yet enchanted.
My First Lava Lamp was:
My first lava lamp is the one pictured as my avatar. It's an Enchantress model 8103 manufactued in 1987. The box says blue/white but it's actually aqua/yellowish. I bought it at Spencer's with another exactly like it. One was recently trashed which led me to explore how to repair it. I found it wasn't as easy as I thought. I'm on a quest to get another to make my pair once again match. Any leads?? My first experience with lava was with my best friend when he received an amber/red Century for Christmas. We sat mesmerized for days it seemed. Under the influence? You Betcha! LOL

Comment Wall:

  • Jennifer

    I've logged many hours trying to make goo. Still not mastered it. Let me know if you need any help, I might be able to help!
  • LavaMeister

    Thanks Jennifer. I had a new lamp that I messed up the cycling of it and was able to add a bit of pickling salt to get it to cycle properly. Unfortunately, it gets a little cloudy after a few hours. Still looks pretty good though. I found that you probably shouldn't add more than 1/8 tsp. at the time when tinkering. I have a lot of patience but working with lamps takes the cake. I'm about ready to try a formula here but I need to get some more lab supplies, such as graduated cylinders and such. I have my mind made up that I am going to recreate the flow of the classic lamps from the early days. I love the way the lava just lazily moves around in those lamps. I'll check in when I get started and pick your brain. I can probably save some time and money by doing that.
  • terri

    Thanks for the welcome.
    This sight is awesome !!!!!!!!
  • terri

    Thanks for the envite and we enjoyed viewing your lava lamps.
  • Megan McGovern

    Thanks!! :)
  • joust

    Hi Lava master Thank you for the warm welcome I love this site and love the people on it.
  • Lance Hathaway

    Hi LavaMeister. Yeah I always wanted a lava lamp as a teen but never got one. Im embarking on making a huge lava tube. 4" around and 22" tall. I cant wait to see how if turns out in the end. Im following retro272's Lava Lamp Method. I am still working on making the ooze float. What do you think about hot pink lava with green liquid? It's going in an 80's themed media room. Anyhow its good to have this network of support! Thanks!!
  • LavaMeister

    Hi Lance:

    I haven't exactly decided which formula to use yet, but am leaning toward the one you have selected. Pickling salt, found in the canning section of the grocery store is one way to make the goo float. You have to be careful how much you add since it will tend to make the goo soupy and possibly change the density so that it will not go back to the bottom easily. Add very small amounts and let it run for a half hour or so to see what it does. Hot pink with green sounds very different. I'd surely like to see that when you have it running. I don't recall ever seeing that combo before. One parting word of caution.....never forget that you are dealing with heat, pressure and glass. After it's capped and the pressure can't escape you are potentially making a bomb. After it is capped I would run it for several hours in a place that nobody can get hurt by it until you trust what you have created. Also, if you have pets and small children be aware that some of the ingredients are potentially deadly. I would certainly mix the perc outside in a well ventilated area. Play safe and have fun!!
  • Chuck White

    Thank You!! I hope that as I become more experienced, that I too will have a cool slide show and some practical "know how" to share.
  • Megan McGovern

    Sorry it's taken me so long to write back. I had a few lava lamps when I was younger and I recently decided to start collecting and so far I have 8. I was wondering if you know of any websites where I could buy the older versions or vintage lava lamps besides eBay.
  • Maria De Sevilla

    WOW! Your lamps are beautiful! Yes, got a lot of good comments but no one has commented on whether anything can be done regarding the cloudy water or if I just need to write this lamp off. It was sent to me as a Valentine's day gift and my very first lamp. I'm so looks NOTHING like yours. I've learned a heck of a lot about lava lamps over the past few days though - very cool.
  • Vic Lewin

    Thank you very much for the welcome. I am in Canada which sucks as I cant find lava lamps anywhere. I ordered 3 52 oz from Lava Lite and all were cloudy. They have sent me 3 replacements so now I have 6. I took the black wax/clear out of the tub and that is cloudy too. Am afraid to open the other 2! LOL I have not run the new replacement black/clear yet. Doing lots of reading and research first! May try a restore on one of the original 3 cloudy.
  • Vic Lewin

    Yeah, already on the eBay trail! Have some bucks to spare, going start collecting these instead of miniature race cars! LOL Yes, please send me your questions. My email is As time goes on I may bug you with a few questions. Thanks again bro, Vic
  • Vic Lewin

    Great man, thanks much! There are some nice ones on ebay but they only ship to US addresses! There are some that I know I would win given i am willing to pay! Do you think someone on here would be willing to receive a package and then forward it on to me? I would pay all costs and extra for their trouble. I really want to get some of the old ones with the holes in the base. That one you have in your pic with the the blue and cone top is bad ass!
  • Simon Jones

    Muchas gracias, look forward to learning some gooey secrets...
  • Vic Lewin

    Yes, the lamp looks really nice. Sweet! I won 3 lamps yesterday on eBay and bought 5 more today from LampsPlus. But I am going to start going for those Wizard and older ones now. And sorry, i didnt mean to imply I was looking for you to ship to me bro. (I have a contact in SC that said she would do it so I am ok there. I am also asking sellers if they will make an exception. So, I am think I am good there for now but thanks for the future consideration. You know what I would like to have though is a checklist of all the lave lamps, especially the older ones so I can check off what i get! LOL I have a bad collecting addiction and I tend to try and get everything! HAHAH Does such a list exist somewhere? Thanks again and talk soon my man, Vic
  • Kristen

    Hi, yeah, I was really confused on some points about different lamps, and the comment was full of newbie crap comparing your lamps to mine and asking why there was this/that difference. I realized after some reading that I had a 16" '92 blue/white (which is really a sickly yellow I dislike) on a brushed-brass base.

    I was wondering why the lava wasn't a bright green like the lamp on the far right in the four-lamp photo. Well, because it's a 14.5" modern blue/yellow, I think. I love the color, as well as the current purple/yellow (the two you bought and returned,) but after reading the archives, I'm now afraid of getting screwed by a China lamp. :(

    By the by, you wouldn't happen to know what model name/number my lamp is? I figure I'd ask you directly, since you seem to have the same lamp in one of your single photos, instead of clogging up the forum. #03 920707. That's the numbers I'm going by for an ID.

  • Kristen

    Cool, thanks!
  • Chow

    Thank you for comment. I hope to learn alot here. Thanks again.
  • novy

    hey lavameister-

    thanks for the welcome- you're right about where we purchased our lamps:
    walmart and spencers- two of them- the other two, identical in height though not colors,
    were sent to us from the lavalite company as replacements for the first dysfunctional 2-
    and as pleased as we are with their generosity, we now have 4 dysfunctional lamps-

    the upside to this story is finding this site! and perhaps after doing some reading on
    lava lamp first-aid we'll be able to turn our dysfunctional lamps into happy campers --
    like bob ross trees ...

    i do remember where i was when the 1st lunar landing was made- i was 9 years old-
    it was a very hot day! and we were gathered round a little black and white tv in a small
    bungalow, a vacation rental "down the shore" -- seaside heights, new jersey-

    no education here to speak of, other than hard knocks- some traveling done while
    employed with a carnival and some done on my own- also a love for go fast machinery- mostly as an observer, though i rode a honda 750 for a little while- i've attended air shows
    and cruising the coast in mississippi twice- used to love to ride coasters-
    below is a link to clip from one of my favorite simpsons episodes! :

    global warming? i'm all for cleaning up the environment- and appreciating the fact that
    crocodiles might have been around longer than we have- i also buy into philosophers,
    like george carlin- he said earth produced humans because she wanted a little plastic
    and didn't know how to make it herself ...

    and that the earth will do just fine with or without us-

    have a nice day!
  • mandy

    Hi thanks for leaving a message cannot believe how hooked i am with my Lava lamps xx
  • Benjamin

    Thanks! Actually, I joined OozingGoo out of curiosity. I would like to build a flat panel, wall mounted lava "box" and this seems like a good place to start. Do you think a wall mount lava box would work?
  • Christian Fletcher

    Thankyou for the warm welcome LavaMeister. This is a whole new world for me. Its hard to believe so many are into lava. At last I am not alone lol.
  • Kathy Jolene Andrews

    I am learning about making a lava lamp. I think that I have all the ingredients, just have not had time to play with it yet. I needed to make this for my final in 3-D Design( Graphic Design Major ) So have since, started on a sandscape. Still trying to get the silicone to dry between the glass. My project had to be kinetic and is due next week. Any advise is welcome and thankyou for the welcome Kathy
  • chris may

    thanks for the warm welcome.
  • Kathy Jolene Andrews

    Thank You for the warning and I think if weather permits I will try this outside. I appreciate your advise and will take creating a lamp in a more serious vain. Take Care, Kathy
  • James Manley

    thankyou for the welcome :) will post pics of my lava soon as i fix it!
  • Bill Smith

    Hi, LavaMeister thank you for the warm welcome to oozing goo. I have just started on the lava lamp collecting scene.I hope to add to my collection and get some help helpful tips along the way.
  • D Newnham

  • cliftz

    Thanks LavaMeister.
  • cliftz

    whew. wonderful place you got here. Beautiful pictures as well. I'm hooked.

  • Susan

    Hi there, thanks for your warm welcome :) As I was writing this I was watching your photos of your lamps, they are brilliant. You have some beautiful lamps. :)
  • Jordan Gray

    Hey, thanks for welcoming me! it's always nice to get a comment like that the first day you join something.
  • Susan

    Hi again, I know what you mean about shelf space. I'm currently waiting for three Mathmos lamps I purchased on ebay to turn up. Hope they are OK when they arrive. So, when they turn up I will have seven in total. I don't have the space to display them all, as our rooms are quite bright and from what I understand they shouldn't be placed in a bright place. So, I will have three in one room on a shelf and three in another. Any others I buy I will rotate (you watch I will end up with a house full of them)

    The Mathmos lamps are brilliant, I hope they do start selling them where you live. They don't currently have many colours on their website though. I would like to see the good old orange with orange/yellow water back.

    Have a nice day :)
  • Casey Wolf

    amen to that, right now i'm trying a thin layer of mineral oil+wax paper, the oil stops the fluid evaporating, the wax paper stops the oil... in theory... long term i think i need to first replace the fluid, or top it off, and either figure out a way to fix the top or get a new one, but i know nothing! haha. thus my presence here
  • SpaceAge

    Thank you! I´m sure i found here a lot of nice people from all over the world. Greetings from germany
  • chris

    Thanks for the nod - good to be here. Chris
  • Bloodshedder

    Hi can you point me to a tutorial on how to restore my lamp, or the basics cuz i have a lava lamp that uses a 40 W light bulb and i dont know how many OZ it is and stuff like...
  • Chris Lea

    Hi there,
    Thanks for the welcome!
    Hope to find loads of useful info here - as well as meet other lava fans.
    Won't promise to post every day but hopefully I'll have something to add occasionally!
    See ya....
  • bogo alex

    Hello. I`m here cause my lava lamp is broken. Tried to replace the water but didn`t work out as planned
  • Elisa Horton

    Hi Lavameister,

    I called 1-800-336-LAVA and spoke with marketing about the Adriactic Wave Machine - I suggested to them that many people are interested in attaining a Wave Machine - she seemed enthused and will be getting back to me if the idea is approved. So with any luck there will be a resurgence of the wave machine!
  • Donovan Fell III

    Hello Lavameister,
    I need a 10" dia x 36" tall lava lamp cylinder to retro fit a MK 84 Bomb Aqurium. Is this something you
    would be interested in?
    The aqurium can be seen on our website,
    Thanx, Donovan
  • Diin

    thanks man :) i hope to learn as much as i possibly can
  • babynoggin

    Hi thanks hope to learn more of you guys. I have just found out the joys of lava lamps after years of wanting one my brother gave me two lamps I gave one to my grandson and kept the other for myself. I then extended my collection because the green and clear bottle was cloudy tried replacing it with the same but that has arrived slightly cloudy. It did clear after 2 uses but seems to be a little cloudy again on the third use is this a problem with the green of am i just unlucky? they are both mathmos. Helen
  • Vitor Prestes Luzio

    Hi LavaMeister!

    My idea is learn to make some lava lamps to send for my girlfriend!
    Very interesting this community and I found a lot of things about of the construction of the lamps!

    Very nice!!!

    Thanks for your commentary!

    Greetings for Brazil,