Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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Comment by Carol on September 30, 2015 at 8:41pm

My wiz that has the lava globe on it is weird too.  a 25 watt and it barely moves.  a 40 overheats.  I put a 40 with a dimmer in it and it worked pretty good.  Now she is around a lot of multiple lamps so I put the 25 watter back in and she seems to be ok.  I guess the heat the other lamps throw is enough with the 25 watt.  You could try the 40 watt with a dimmer or putting this lamp with multiples.

Comment by Michael on September 30, 2015 at 7:08pm

Definitely a US globe, every now and then they would run out of the white Lava Lite caps and print the code on simple gold caps. Have you tried it on other bases? A lot of globes (even US) didn't quite flow right on Wizard bases. I always thought Wizards were best for glitter. Something about the bulb placement in the base, even if the bulb was moved up higher. 

Comment by Reece on September 27, 2015 at 8:30pm
When I got this lamp, it didn't want to flow. I tried a lot... But, all it would do is try to go up, and, nope, nothing.

After a year of sitting in a box in my garage, I'm giving it its last chance to work before I use it as a test subject for my first goo kit experience. :)

Let's see what happens.


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