Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I prefer the Beatles, but there is no Beatles lamp (I think?)

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Comment by Joe (LARRY) B on October 18, 2009 at 1:35pm
It figures, Blind...I'm always a day late (and more than a few) dollars short! :-)

",,,,how I long for Yesterday...ay...ay...ay...."

Like your rave disc--and those sandscapes? I remember they were very popular at Florida flea markets--all they were were some sand between two glass plates, filled with water, about 1/4 " thinck--you flipped them over and each time a new sand dune formation was formed as the sand dropped down--came in all sizes and colors--even had a small needle hole to add water. Probably are still popular at the flea markets (mine dried up years ago--maybe I will look into them on the net?) When in need....GOOGLE!


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