Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This old lamp has a white cord and was missing paint at the bottom when I got it. It has orange-yellow lava in a cream vapor liquid. Although very cloudy still strangely cool looking.

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Comment by CrunchyCanadian on April 25, 2017 at 11:08am
Jonas thank you!! Your lava knowledge is encyclopedic. I'll cycle this to see if it will clear. When I first got it it was clear(!) but soon after got like this I'm not sure if it takes a 30 or 40 watt bulb but it's impossible to locate a 30w flood for this (or another white squiggle that I have).
Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on April 25, 2017 at 5:36am

This may be an extremely cloudy "Champagne Mist." Lava made a series of "mist" colors, first "Champagne Mist" for their entire line. A year or so later, it was no longer available, but the new Enchantress series had four "mist" colors. The idea was a slightly hazy liquid, and I've so far believed that the misty effect cleared up with use and age. This may have gone the other direction.


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