Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

  • Male
  • Orlando, Florida
  • United States

Galaxy_9's Friends

  • LavaLover
  • J Monroe
  • Tiny Bubbles
  • Lamp Addict
  • Joey "Dirtypawz"
  • Joanne
  • Siryn
  • Marley's Ghost
  • Soylent Green
  • goober jack
  • VintageK
  • Christoph Stucke
  • Erin
  • Autumn
  • Jim

Galaxy_9's Groups

Galaxy_9's Discussions

Restoring Excalibur Lamp Wax
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Claude J Jan 24, 2024.

Agate Gold and Concrete Grey / Light Blue
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Modulo '70 May 3, 2021.

Propylene Glycol and SLES source recommendations
5 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Claude J Apr 21, 2018.


Galaxy_9's Page

Latest Activity

Galaxy_9 and LavaLover are now friends
Mar 4
Angel commented on Galaxy_9's photo

Fluid Dye to restore faded Pink

"This is an absolutely gorgeous color, well done!"
Apr 3, 2024
Galaxy_9 replied to Angel's discussion Would it be possible to uncloud a lamp from Five Below?
"These have an interesting look but unfortunately because of the price have bad quality control in the manufacturing and the liquid is usually cloudy. I have one in orange and these have very skimpy wax with not too much "action". It could…"
Apr 2, 2024
Galaxy_9 posted photos
Mar 9, 2024
Claude J replied to Galaxy_9's discussion Restoring Excalibur Lamp Wax
"Glad you are happy with it>Thank you for the detailed process"
Jan 24, 2024
Galaxy_9 posted a discussion

Restoring Excalibur Lamp Wax

Here was my process working on an Excalibur, hoping this can help anyone on the fence. Lots of pics too see below...I purchased a wax kit was from Lava Lab Creations. I followed all his instructions which were extremely helpful. I did find some additional tools helped me with this (plus can be used in general lava projects). Safety comes first so I like being on the patio weather permitting for fresh air and not have to worry about breathing vapors, dealing with accidents or spills. Tools I…See More
Jan 18, 2024
Galaxy_9 replied to Wyatt's discussion "GRANDE" bulb question
"Definitely a Lava Brand Grande as those are all made in China since around '03. The "Giants" were also the same size and predecessor but made in the USA mid 90s to around '02 I believe, and have a rubber seal and heat shrink to…"
Nov 18, 2023
Galaxy_9 replied to Autumn's discussion The certain future of OozingGoo
"This is very exciting news! Such a long history and the backbone of how our community was built. Back in the earlier days of the internet, this was the only place to connect, see pictures and vintage history and yes, thanks to Jonas, for being a…"
Oct 7, 2023

Profile Information

Something Interesting About Me:
Long time collector been coming to OG since 1997! It was here that I first saw other vintage lamps in the history section, and that was my drug of choice. I love mid-century modern. And like to display just a few good choice lamps at a time.
Where I Live:
Orlando, FL
My First Lava Lamp was:
My first NEW lamp was in 1994 Spencer's, blue white with black base.
I got into collecting around mid 90's when I first saw a Collectibles magazine on vintage lava lamps. It was the first time I had really seen pinhole based lamps.

The first vintage I acquired was the nightlight clown, knowing nothing about if this was an authentic version or if some kid just stuck a decal on the glass to make it cute. Well I snagged it, and although it had some dead lava and a crack in the glass lip I still found it alluring and later found out it was rare.
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
50 ish
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
Centuries and Giants

Galaxy_9's Photos

Comment Wall (20 comments)

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At 1:18am on April 21, 2018, Modulo '70 said…

Hi Galaxy, really great to see your post on here today (20th). You should come back more often. Is that your gorgeous Capri in your pics?

At 11:02pm on January 30, 2016, Joey "Dirtypawz" said…
Thank you again Beautiful condition wonderful packing job hanging on to it for me but I couldn't thank you enough !! But thank you very much
At 6:45pm on May 14, 2010, Kelly Flaskerud said…
Hey, thanks! I can't wait until I can have the whole collection out of the storage room and onto some display shelves!! Not sure what I even have anymore...
At 9:51am on April 7, 2010, ☆VixenGypsy☆ said…
Fading Grandes... I didn't remove the cap to recolor them. I place a folded towel down, place the globe, take a small phillips screwdriver & a hammer, gently tap till it's through the cap. Then work the screwdriver around, till the hole has the clearance for the syringe, draw the coloring into the syringe & slide the needle through the rubber seal. Add the coloring, swish the globe & add more coloring if needed. Then I take strips of aluminum foil, fold it 2-4 times, stick it in the hole, fold over the spot in the cap, hammer it down flat & duct tape over the cap. That's it! My Grande has been running with this redneck patch with no leakage or evaporation for nearly a year!
At 8:39am on March 22, 2010, Jennifer said…
Thanks!!! I'll keep you posted! Can I ask what these were originally? Is the wax from another vintage lamp or a new lamp? American or China-I'm not part of the group that thinks china lamps are the worst lamps EVER!! I've had lots of luck with china goo!
Have you made your own glitter? I would love to figure out that formula. There are so many beautiful glitters at craft stores-many options is I could just figure out that damn liquid!!!!
At 8:52am on March 21, 2010, Jennifer said…
Good morning! I received the 2 globes yesterday! Thanks! I put the purple and pink on a oil burner like you did and it worked great. I don't think that will be the route I'll go though. It fell off and the wax from the tea light went everywhere-I've yet to find something sturdy! Have you ever found an olive jar that fits a Mediterranean or Consort? I haven't looked yet. The glitter intrigues me. Its the first glitter i've had that I didn't try to make. It doesn't flow as quickly as I thought it would so I'm not sure I'll do much with it-have you ever made a glitter? Did you get a good flow on the glitter when you had it? I possibly didn't give it much of a chance since it was just perched on top of my Mediterranean!
Anyway-thanks again! Lots of fun!
At 9:05am on January 7, 2010, Jennifer said…
Thanks for your comments! I am actually going to return the grandes because they were running too hot. After about 5 hours the goo was not connecting to the coils anymore. I have that issue with almost all my lamps and dimmers on everything so I just don't want to deal with these big ones doing it too!
At 6:11pm on March 11, 2009, big red said…
I just saw your Red Giant! And I LOVE IT. I got mine at "Who's who at the Zoo" in Calgary 2001 also. That store has since closed..and apparently -according to the other "Who's who" stores- the original manufacturer for that particular store went out of business. So trying to get any info when my fluid levels dropped was impossible till I met you guys. The levels were always above the cap till the last couple of years?? I love your collection! GREAT STUFF :)
At 12:33pm on September 4, 2008, chrisLUNAR said…
lovelly lamps x
At 10:13am on July 4, 2008, Bryin said…
Thank you for all of your comments. You have some great stuff yourself! I look forward to seeing your Spaghetti lamp.


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