Hello all you gooheads! With one of my favorite holidays coming up, I want everyone to share their spookiest lamp, and if you're dressing up this year tell me what you're gonna be! Continue
Tags: halloween
Started Oct 18
As much as I love lava lamps, I'm also a huge music nerd and I'm wondering if anyone has some common grounds with me in terms of music taste! Continue
Started Jul 4
Hello everyone! So long story short, me and my boyfriend are very interested in making custom lava lamp bases. We want to paint them with all sorts of neat art and stuff like that!What kind of…Continue
Tags: modification, customization, customs
Started this discussion. Last reply by Vampirefreak May 4.
Any gooheads here planning to see the eclipse that's happening on the 8th? I've already bought some special glasses, so I'll be able to see this once in a lifetime event!Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Angel Apr 22.
I can't wait to make some cool custom lamps!! I got some cool ideas.
*stares at you back*
This weekend I plan on putting up a shelf for the lamps I collect over time, meaning that my Groovy Lamp and the Ribcage Lava Lamp from Spencer's (which I haven't shown off here yet, funnily enough that ones not even been unboxed yet!) will have a nice display spot, along with some candles of mine. I don't see my collection growing as fast as some others with money being tight, but eventually id love to get that shelf filled from end to end. I'll keep everyone here updated!
Hi, Angel! I feel shame too for there is no lamp makers in here(korea, japan, china, hong kong...). so, I'm planning to make lava lamp with built-in dimmer knob and fully color customizable using paint dispenser machine. For your question, i would like to choose my favorite color yellow. But if the plan goes well, you can choose whatever color you like, and my strong guess is you will choose pink!!😂
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Steve |
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Cameron Hill |
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Michael Smith |
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Modulo '70 |
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trash cat |
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Angel |
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Drfrumplesteinz |
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Lamp Addict |
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