Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Despite not having enough wax to start, then filling the lamp with so much liquid it nearly burst at the seams, I now have a beautifullly flowing custom lamp. Quite surprising as the minute it started to flow for the first time I knocked it off it's stand and sent millions of tiny bubbles of wax whooshing through the liquid. If anything though that seems to have helped the flow.

I now have a dilema though, i was going to post photo's of my work to date, but now the lamp is so close to being finished, vanity has got the better of me and I want to wait until it's just right. That is not the dilema though. I bought an old generic lamp base and an Astro Baby cap and base to use on this lamp. The chrome finish of the Baby is gorgeous, so gorgeous I am reluctant to go at it with the angle grinder to cut it down to the right size. The cheapy brushed aluminium of the other base is no match, but the shape is a better fit for the line of the lamp, I don't want to cut the Baby open only to find it just doesn't work. However if I cut and use the other base then I need to cut and wire brush the Baby cap to match.I think I need to knock my anal/obsessive collecting tendancies on the head, make free with the grander and see what happens. After that I promise pictures... or possibly tears.

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Comment by D Newnham on June 8, 2010 at 1:42pm
Thanks. I think I may need a slightly squarer cap to get the look right, but if you could post me a pic of your caps that would be really helpful.
Comment by Ouija on June 8, 2010 at 12:10pm
I should say they are a little smaller, but you are welcome to them, they might come in handy at another time.
Comment by Ouija on June 8, 2010 at 12:08pm
I have an old china lava lap top, in fact I might have 2 different ones you can have, it would be a shame to wast, an Astro Baby cap. Do you want me to look them out? one is from the 14.5 inch Chinese lava.


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