Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Comment by Carol on August 20, 2015 at 8:30am

My 52 oz pink/white flows like that!!!  With the a/c on she gets stubborn, so I had to put a 60 watter in with a dimmer and dial in the flow when she gets too hot!!!  Nice and clear though!!!


I just goo kitted a black/orange but my globe cracked.......I ordered an LL black/orange 52 oz from Spencer's eta this coming Tuesday.....I'm not getting my hopes up that this lamp will be good to go right out of the box, so I primarily bought it for my transplant project.  I will fire it up and give it a couple days if it is clear and see how the flow is after break in.  If it's cloudy when I pull the tube, it's a dump/transplant.......shame that we have to talk like this about a brand new lamp....I haven't ordered anything brand new through shipping although my replacement purple/yellow came clear the flow was crap....it's now a goo kit.


Enjoy it!!!!!!

Comment by Carol on August 20, 2015 at 8:37am

Oh btw, I think the vid looks great!!!!

Comment by SpartyGalRN on August 20, 2015 at 8:52pm

Thanks, I also find that mine slows way down with the a/c on, even my grande. Good luck with the new lamp coming. I have been trying to get a clear yellow/blue grande. Ordered and exchanged 3 times from Amazon. Waiting for the last try to be delivered tomorrow. May try directly from LL since both my 52oz and Grande from them arrived crystal clear. I think it helps I'm only about a 4 hour drive from LL in Illinois.

Comment by Kirk on August 21, 2015 at 12:30am

The quality of lamp looks pretty good -- clear liquid, nice base/cap, nice glass.  The flow is still a bit too "blobby" for my taste, however.  Thanks for posting the video!


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