Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Jack O' Bats and Grim Reaper Lava Lamps - $50 Each, Plus Shipping

Brand new, in box, never opened.  $50 each, plus shipping.  Or, if you're local, come pick them up!

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Love that pumpkin one but I have grande issues on my mind ugh. Nice lamps though G/L with the sale.

hi! is the reaper lamp still available by chance? if so i would love to buy it! i'm in the sf bay area, where are you?

Hi xero, I still have them, but they aren’t for sale at the moment.  I’m in Ohio.  Do you have anything to trade?  Cheers, Kelly 

xero silver said:

hi! is the reaper lamp still available by chance? if so i would love to buy it! i'm in the sf bay area, where are you?

Quick advice - whatever you do - do not fire the lamps up where they flow otherwise you will have to drop the title from NIB to used which will decrease the value considerably. Also note - do not take out of the box as soon as you break the original seal - they are now considered open box. Nice lamps.  I prefer the ICONS.  

Awww bummer!!! Unfortunately I have nothing to trade :( Please get in touch if you do decide to put them up for sale-- I would probably buy both! 

Kelly Flaskerud said:

Hi xero, I still have them, but they aren’t for sale at the moment.  I’m in Ohio.  Do you have anything to trade?  Cheers, Kelly 

xero silver said:

hi! is the reaper lamp still available by chance? if so i would love to buy it! i'm in the sf bay area, where are you?

Kelly, if you're interested in selling or trading these, I'm also in Ohio. Let me know if you're interested in seeing my collection

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