Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello people of the Goo variety, I my self like the lava lamps, but my true love is the fiber optic lamps..

Now i am hoping to get another motor for my color wheel on my Fantasia Love Bug.,

Does not have to be original motor, but the color wheel does need to fit into it of course.

Now if some one out there has an old love bug that the spray is cactus, or is no longer wanted, i will buy the motor from them ?

Or if some one knows  of a good change over one, could you let me know ?

I'm the idiot that killed the motor in my one,

Brought a step down transformer to run the light, & then pluged it into the wrong outlet on it.

But really i buy a step down tranny to turn 240v. to 110v., why put a 240v. outlet beside the 110 ?

If i wanted 240 volts i"d plug into any other outlet in the house.

To much of a hurry to see it work "oh well"

So any help would make me very happy ???

Views: 145


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Comment by Mr MaGoo on September 1, 2019 at 9:55pm

Found some on amazon, here is link, hope it helps: https://www.amazon.com/CHANCS-Synchronous-0-8-1RPM-Permanent-Synchr...

Comment by Mr MaGoo on January 11, 2019 at 5:27pm

Any progress on this project?

Comment by Tony Buck on December 26, 2018 at 12:29am

If you can point me towards the motors maybe a slow rpm & a medium speed one ?

or i can send money to you for them & there postage ?

I can also measure the motor size if you need 7 send it through ?

Any help is appreciated .

Cheers Tony

Comment by Tony Buck on December 26, 2018 at 12:25am

There both universal outlets .

& that's another thing i can not understand about this step down transformer why put a 220v. outlet beside the 110v. outlet with the same plug configuration ?????.

Though i think both outlets are universal ones so i can plug other countries into it, & of course France & Germany are 220v.

Also great places to get fiber lights

But rather than small numbering above identical outlets side by side to say one is 110v. & the other is 220v.

make one a different color ?

Or (now I'm not sure about this) If the states is the only place that has 110v, just put there outlet on the 110v. side.

Though it could still be plugged into the the universal side.

It comes down to this, they made the transformer to be used in various ways,. & i in my rush to see the light working plugged it into the wrong outlet (means I'm the fool)

So the motor is 110v.

The rpm's no idea, there's no legible numbers written on the motor & plus it's in Chinese .

Though one main thing would be the connector on the motor, so the color wheel fits into it.

I'll send pic's

First the transformer as it was when i made the Boo Boo & also now with the fix so i don't do it again.

Then the color wheel motor plus the color wheel.






Comment by Mr MaGoo on December 21, 2018 at 2:51am

In the united states, 110v outlet has a different blade configuration on the plug than a 220v configuration making it impossible to do that.  Sorry to hear about that, that sucks that it happened.  Good luck on the hunt.

Comment by Mr MaGoo on December 21, 2018 at 2:47am

Well, what is the RPM on the motor and the voltage needed for said motor.  Have seen some of these motors on Amazon website, let us know.


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